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Samsung India launches second season of Samsung Innovation Campus, a national upskilling program to empower youth in future technology fields

Samsung India launches second season of Samsung Innovation Campus, a national upskilling program to empower youth in future technology fields


Samsung Innovation Campus provides skills in future technology areas such as AI, IoT, big data, and coding

Top national winners in each category will receive cash prizes worth Rs 100,000 and attractive Samsung products

The program includes online and offline learning, capstone project submission, and expert mentoring from Samsung.

Samsung, India's largest consumer electronics brand, has announced the launch of the second phase of its national upskilling program 'Samsung Innovation Campus', which aims to upskill youth in future technology fields such as AI, IoT, big data, coding and programming. Started the season. Samsung Innovation Campus aims to improve the future technology skills and employability of young people aged 18-25.

This program strengthens Samsung's commitment to being a strong partner and contributor to India's growth story. Skill He also aims to support the Indian government's efforts to create relevant opportunities for youth, such as Skill India and Digital India.

A memorandum of understanding was signed between Samsung and the Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) earlier this week to train 3,500 students across India.

This year's program goes beyond just upskilling and includes even more exciting opportunities for students. The top national winners of each domain will receive a cash prize of Rs 10 Lakh and an opportunity to visit Samsung facility in Delhi/NCR. The facility visit provides students the opportunity to interact with and receive guidance from Samsung management. Top finishers in the national course will also receive exciting Samsung products such as Samsung Galaxy Buds and Samsung Galaxy smart watches.

Samsung has been instrumental in India's growth over the past 28 years. Our vision has always been aligned with the Government of India's goals to develop skills and provide professional growth opportunities for young people. JB Park, President and CEO of Samsung Southwest Asia, said, “Through Samsung Innovation Campus, we will improve the skills of our youth, create future technology employment opportunities, and develop the skills to make a meaningful difference. We are building a learning platform based on

“ESSCI is pleased to partner with Samsung on a CSR initiative that will strengthen the skills ecosystem in the country. The Samsung Innovation Campus will equip the youth of the country, especially the underprivileged, with skills and necessary knowledge in the future technology field. Dr. Abhilasha Gaur, Chief Operating Officer of ESSCI, said, “We are confident that this program will provide students with technical know-how. I am optimistic that I will be able to acquire these skills and become immediately effective.”

During the program, participants will receive instructor-led, blended classroom and online training through ESSCI's approved training and education partners nationwide.

Youth enrolled in the program receive classroom and online training and complete hands-on capstone project work in selected technology areas: AI, IoT, big data, and coding and programming.

You will also receive soft skills training to improve your employability. Participants will be mobilized through ESSCI's training and education partners across India. The approach includes a combination of offline and online learning, immersive hackathons and capstone projects, as well as expert guidance from Samsung employees.

The structure of the curriculum varies depending on the course track selected. For example, participants who choose the AI ​​course will be immersed in 270 hours of theoretical training and complete 80 hours of project work. On the other hand, those who take the IoT or Big Data course receive 160 hours of training, to which she adds 80 hours of practical project work. Participants in the coding and programming course will participate in 80 hours of training and participate in a 3-day hackathon event.

The program will be implemented across eight educational institutions in four states. In the northern region, besides his two locations in Delhi-NCR, training centers will also be established in Lucknow and Gorakhpur. In the southern region, which includes Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, training centers will be set up in Chennai and Sriperumbadur, in addition to the two in Bangalore.

The program is scheduled to start during April 2024, and the specially designed six-month course will conclude during October 2024. Course toppers will be announced in November 2024.

During 2023, Samsung Innovation Campus successfully trained 3,000 students in future technology courses. Samsung's involvement in this initiative underscores the company's commitment to nation-building through corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in India. This complements his other CSR initiatives for Samsung, including Samsung Solve for Tomorrow. Through these initiatives, Samsung aims to empower India's future leaders by providing them with the education and skills they need to drive meaningful change.




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