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Hope Hicks speaks out and waits in line at Trump's Hush Money trial

Hope Hicks speaks out and waits in line at Trump's Hush Money trial


The last time Hope Hicks spoke to Donald Trump, she said in a Manhattan courtroom Friday, was in 2022. That year, text messages from the longtime aide he former president and one of the most visible faces associated with his early grip on political power have emerged during a House investigation into his role in the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. His boss, Hicks wrote to Ivanka Trump's chief of staff, had ended in one day all future opportunities that did not include speaking engagements at the local Proud Boys chapter.

The situation was different heading into the 2016 presidential election. Trump hired Hicks, who had previously worked for his daughter's fashion brand, to help with his campaign the year before, and she rose through the ranks , eventually becoming White House communications director. Hicks was working closely with the future president when the Access Hollywood tape, in which Trump boasted about groping women with impunity, was released during the final leg of the campaign. In recent weeks, Manhattan prosecutors have argued that the threat posed by that revelation led to a plot to suppress more information about Trump's sex life. He was indicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal a hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels, who claimed she slept with him in 2006. (Trump has pleaded not guilty and has denied any affair .)

Speaking out and coming face to face with her former employer, Hicks described her reaction when she received an email from a Washington Post reporter about the tape.

I was concerned. Very concerned, Hicks testified. I was concerned about the content of the email. I was concerned about not having enough time to respond. I was concerned that we would have a transcript but not a tape. There was a lot at stake.

Hicks, who was testifying under subpoena, said she was nervous about speaking and praised Trump several times. She called him a great multitasker and a very hard worker and noted that he ran the Trump Organization like a small family business.

Everyone who works there, in one way or another, reports to Mr. Trump, she added.

In crafting the campaign's response to the Post's outreach, Hicks said she relied on Trump's input. One of his first reactions, she testified, was to say that his comments in the recording didn't sound like something he would say. Very quickly, we heard these remarks coming out of his mouth. The media response dominated news coverage, Hicks said. It was Trump all the time for the next 36 hours.

As the defense began to cross-examine Hicks, she began to cry while discussing her time working at the Trump Organization.

The first weeks of Trump's trial oscillated between granular discussions of business records and data maintenance and flashier excursions into the world of celebrity gossip and courtroom meetings of the former president in the tabloids of supermarkets and Trump-adjacent boldface names. At some point, Michael Cohen, the former Trump fixer who arranged the secret payment of the money to Daniels, will speak. Trump has often described Cohen as a traitor and a liar.

So far, Trump has made no such public statement about Hicks. Around 1 p.m., he left the courtroom for lunch and greeted reporters in the hallway.

Did Hope Hicks betray you? » asked one of them.

He did not answer.




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