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Duke football set for blue-white game on Saturday

Duke football set for blue-white game on Saturday
Duke football set for blue-white game on Saturday


Duke football fans will get their first chance to see the Blue Devils in person under newly appointed head coach Manny Diaz on Saturday, April 20 for the Blue & White Game.


DURHAM Duke will host the Blue & White Game on Saturday at Brooks Field at Wallace Wade Stadium at 6 p.m.

This will be the first chance that football fans will see the Blue Devils led by the coach in person Manny Diaz.

Saturday's football game will feature Duke's offense on defense. The Blue Devils will implement traditional scoring for offense and special scoring for defense. An overview of the scoring can be found below. The aim is to play two 15-minute quarters with a five-minute rest period, but there is an option for a running clock in the second half to ensure the match ends at 8:00 PM.

Fans who cannot attend the match in person can watch the match live on the website ACC Network.

Additional information about the Blue and White game can be found below:

Recognition Free entry for all fans. Entrance to the stadium at the northern Bostock Gate and western Powers Gates starts at 5pm. All seats are in the west stands (Blue Devil Tower side).CLICK HEREfor the full stadium map.

Parking Free parking is available from 3:00 PM in the Science Drive Garage (no tailgating allowed) and Grounds (Green Zone/tailgating allowed). See parking detailsHEREAccessible parking priority will be located on site. Designated accessible parking areas require state-issued ADA placards or license plates.

Pregame Fanfest From 5pm to 7pm, fans can head to the practice pitches behind the main scoreboard to enjoy a football skills challenge, inflatable games, bouncy castle and obstacle course. Access to Fan Fest is possible via the stairs/elevator at section 32. Interactive photo opportunities will be set up in the hall behind section 20.

Fan giveaway Free 2024 Duke football posters, schedule cards and keychains will be available at the concourse.

Concessions and merchandise Concessions and official Duke football merchandise will be available for purchase. In addition, the Duke Team Store, located at Tribull Plaza across from Cameron Indoor Stadium, will be open during normal business hours until kickoff at 6 p.m.

To score The Blue Devils will implement traditional scoring for offense and special scoring for defense.
Offence: Traditional scoring
Defense: Turnover 6 points, Touchdown 12 points, Fourth Down Stop 3 points, Safety 2 points, Three-and-Out 2 points, Sack 1 point

Catering tents Are you looking for a 10×10 pregame tailgate? Reserve prime space in K-Ville for $50. Proximal parking included in the package. Email [email protected] for more information.

Tickets for this fall

Season and individual match tickets for the 2024 campaign are available now at Representatives from the Duke Ticket Office will be on site at the stadium to answer any questions.

Would you like to know more about season tickets in Blue Devil Tower for this fall? Club and table seating in the DeJoy Family Club comes complete with an all-inclusive game day meal featuring traditional game day meals and featured items and promotion stations, healthy options, sides, salad bar, tea, lemonade and Coca-Cola products, a full dessert section, along with access to two fully stocked bars, HD TVs in the air-conditioned club and private restrooms. All amenities are included as part of each premium seat with alcohol at the bars sold separately via credit card. Contact Colonel Erlandson ([email protected]) for more information and to tour the tower.

To stay up to date with Blue Devils football, follow the team on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook by searching “DukeFootball.”

Duke Centennial
In 2024, Duke will celebrate its centennial, the hundred years since Trinity College became Duke University. Duke will use this historic milestone to deepen understanding of its history, inspire pride and strengthen bonds and partnerships, and prepare for a second century of continued excellence and impactful leadership. For more information, visit

#Good week




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