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Cosm opens first immersive location on June 29 in LA

Cosm opens first immersive location on June 29 in LA


Cosmann announces it will officially open its first location to the public on June 29, 2024. The 65,000-square-foot experiential venue in Los Angeles' Hollywood Park will feature a live Shared Reality production of UFC 303, offering fans a fully accessible Octagon experience unlike anything they've ever seen before.

Located in the heart of the Sports and Entertainment Capital of the World, adjacent to SoFi Stadium and the Intuit Dome, Cosm's first fan-facing venue features an 87-foot diameter 8K+ LED dome that transforms live sports and entertainment. The Shared Reality experience showcases live sports, entertainment, music, immersive art and more in a whole new way, delivering architecture and visuals that merge the energy of the audience with high-quality food and beverage service. Fans will feel like they have the best seat in the house at the most sought-after events taking place around the world.

As UFC 303 takes place June 29 at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Cosm will give fight fans from the Los Angeles area the experience of sitting Octagon side for one of the most highly anticipated UFC events of the year .

Before officially opening to the public on June 29, the venue will host a series of private events and early access premieres, featuring live productions of the 2024 NBA Finals and the 2024 Stanley Cup Finals, as well as exclusive immersive exhibitions from world-renowned creators and artists from the Cosm Studios Creator Program.

“We are pleased to announce the opening of Cosm Los Angeles, says Jeb Terry, CEO and president of Cosm. This isn't just about opening our doors, but unlocking access to the world's most coveted sporting and entertainment events. We've been anticipating this announcement since Cosm's inception in 2019, and we're excited to open with an exceptional slate of championship events, including the NBA Finals, NHL Stanley Cup Finals and UFC 303. It's the perfect slate to launch our redesigned live sporting events reveal experience.

To complement our live sports programming, we will present content in collaboration with all our partners, including a portfolio of entertainment offerings that include a fully accessible presentation of Cirque Du Soleil, immersive arts and audiovisual experiences, and soon-to-be-announced projects in collaboration with major studios, Terry continued. This is our first location opening, but not our last. We're excited to usher in this new category of entertainment and introduce Shared Reality to fans around the world.

Cosm's live sports offering continues to expand through official partnerships with ESPN, the NBA, NBC Sports, TNT Sports and UFC. This series of partnerships will allow fans to experience live Shared Reality productions of English Premier League football, college football and basketball, the NBA, NHL, premium horse racing events, UFC, US Open Tennis, select US men's and women's soccer team matches, and more.

In addition to live sports, Cosms programming will also feature immersive art experiences from members of the Cosm Studios Creator Program, including new media artists Nancy Baker Cahill; filmmaker, director and co-founder of Planetary Collective Guy Reid; well-known DJ and artist Chris Holmes; and acclaimed composer and new media artist Ricardo Romaneiro.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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