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Davidson, Rhode Island and Dayton enter the women's tennis quarterfinals

Davidson, Rhode Island and Dayton enter the women's tennis quarterfinals


The fifth-seeded Davidson Wildcats earned a spot in the quarterfinals of the Atlantic 10 Women's Tennis with a 4-0 victory against No. 12 Saint Joseph's in Orlando on Wednesday. The 'Cats got on the board first in doubles as Emma Heiderscheit and Savanna Kollock defeated Sophia Amato and Ireland Amato 6-1. Daniela Porges and Kavya Patel then took the point with a 6-3 victory in the No. 1 doubles match. In singles, Davidson scored victories on courts two, five and three to earn the victory. Patel got the better of Bryson Langford in straight sets at Nos. 2 and 5 singles before settling behind Davidson's Heiderscheit, 7-5, 6-1. Davidson will take on No. 4 Fordham on Thursday at 4:30 p.m.


#5 DAVIDSON for sure. #12 SAINT JOSEPH, 4-0


1. Victoria Tracey (SJU) vs. Daniela Porges (DAV) 7-6(7), 3-1, DNF

2. Kavya Patel (DAV) def. Fabiana Tort-Umpierre (SJU) 6-2, 6-2

3. Emma Heiderscheit (DAV) def. Sophia Amato (SJU) 7-5, 6-1

4. Savanna Kollock (DAV) vs. Charlotte Kordonowy (SJU) 7-5, 3-4, DNF

5. Bryson Langford (DAV) def. Brooke Tackett (SEVEN) 6-1, 6-2

6. Ireland Amato (SJU) vs. Charlotte Calderwood (DAV) 6-3, 5-4, DNF

Order of finish: 2, 5, 3


1. Daniela Porges/Kavya Patel (DAV) def. Victoria Tracey/Fabiana Tort-Umpierre (SJU) 6-3

2. Emma Heiderscheit/Savanna Kollock (DAV) def. Sophia Amato/Ireland Amato (SJU) 6-1

3. Brooke Tackett/Charlotte Kordonowy (SJU) vs. Olivia Hooper/Ines Roti (DAV) 5-3, DNF

Order of finish: 2, 1

The sixth-seeded Rhode Island Rams bounced back in singles to defeat No. 11 St. Bonaventure 4-2 to clinch a spot in the quarterfinals of the Atlantic 10 Women's Tennis. St. Bonaventure struck first in doubles as top pair Cirkeline Lundberg and Abbie Tyler defeated Nadia Rajan and Nikki Fernando 6-2. The Bonnies then took the opening point behind Anastasia Gubanova and Isabella Venter, who won 6-4 on court two. Venter carried that momentum into singles, earning a second point for the Bonnies and winning 6-3, 6-2 on court two. Rhode Island then reeled off four straight singles victories to claim the team victory. Fernando finished next on lane three, followed by Sophie Herrman on lane one and Stephanie Hylton on lane five, each taking outright wins. Rhody finished the match on court four behind Klara Nelander, beating Abbie Tyler 6-2, 4-6, 6-3. The Rams will take on No. 3 Massachusetts on Thursday at 7 p.m.




1. Sophie Herrman (URI) def. Cirkeline Lundberg (SBU) 6-1, 6-4

2. Isabella Venter (SBU) def. Nadia Rajan (URI) 6-3, 6-2

3. Nikki Fernando (URI) def. Anastasia Gubanova (SBU) 6-3, 6-3

4. Klara Nelander (URI) def. Abbie Tyler (SBU) 6-2, 4-6, 6-3

5. Stephanie Hylton (URI) def. Sienna Smith (SBU) 6-2, 6-1

6. Kashish Bote (SBU) Vs. Priyanka Shanker (URI) 6-4, 1-6, 2-2, DNF

Order of finish: 2, 3, 1, 5, 4


1. Cirkeline Lundberg/Abbie Tyler (SBU) def. Nadia Rajan/Nikki Fernando (URI) 6-2

2. Anastasia Gubanova/Isabella Venter (SBU) def. Stephanie Hylton/Priyanka Shanker (URI) 6-4

3. Sienna Smith/Kashish Bote (SBU) vs. Klara Nelander/Sophie Herrman (URI) 5-4, DNF

Order of finish: 1, 2

The seventh-seeded Dayton Flyers clinched the final spot in the Atlantic 10 quarterfinals with a 4-0 win against No. 10 Duquesne on Wednesday in Orlando. UD outlasted the Dukes to earn the doubles point, first winning on court two behind Marra Bruce and Elizabeth Hamilton 6-2, before clinching No. 3 doubles as Erica Wojcikiewicz and Laura Greb Ellen Shanahan and Taisia ​​Yakunina 6 defeated -4 to qualify. the point. Duquesne's Daniela Latoni and Kaya Rand were leading on lane one when the point was called. In singles, the Flyers extended their lead to 2-0 with a straight-set win from Neena Katauskas. Next to finish was Bruce, who fought back from a second set loss to win in three sets and give Dayton a 3-0 match advantage. Hamilton won on court four to decide the match. He beat Kaya Rand 6-4, 6-3 to send the Flyers to the quarterfinals on Thursday, where they will face No. 2 Saint Louis at 7 p.m.


#7 DAYTON for sure. #10 DUQUESNE, 4-0


1. Daniela Latoni (DUQ) vs. Natalie Osiecki (UD) 7-6(6), 0-5, DNF

2. Marra Bruce (UD) def. Mila Badics (DUQ) 6-1, 1-6, 6-3

3. Neena Katauskas (UD) def. Jasa Roka (DUQ) 6-2, 6-2

4. Elizabeth Hamilton (UD) def. So Rand (DUQ) 6-4, 6-3

5. Erica Wojcikiewicz (UD) vs. Ellen Shanahan (DUQ) 7-5, 3-4, DNF

6. Taisia ​​Yakunina (DUQ) vs. Laura Greb (UD) 6-4, 2-5, DNF

Order of finish: 3, 2, 4


1. Daniela Latoni/Kaya Rand (DUQ) vs. Natalie Osiecki/Neena Katauskas (UD) 5-4, DNF

2. Marra Bruce/Elizabeth Hamilton (UD) def. Jasa Roka/Mila Badics (DUQ) 6-2

3. Erica Wojcikiewicz/Laura Greb (UD) def. Ellen Shanahan/Taisia ​​Yakunina (DUQ) 6-4

Order of finish: 2, 3




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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