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CJHL announces the 2023-24 Top Rookie Award finalists

CJHL announces the 2023-24 Top Rookie Award finalists


TORONTO The Canadian Junior Hockey League (CJHL) on Monday announced the names of the five players selected as finalists for the Top Rookie Award in the 2023-2024 campaign.

Each of the finalists was determined through a voting process completed by the CJHL's nine-member leagues for their respective efforts over the course of the regular season.

Here are the five nominees for the CJHL Top Rookie award:

Carson Olsen, (G) Battlefords North Stars (SJHL) Was the 2023-24 SJHL Rookie of the Year, in his first season with Battlefords. Olsen, a commit to NCAA Division I University of Massachusetts-Lowell, finished the season with 30 points and an impressive plus-23 rating. The 2006 Warman, Sask., native was also just one of two starting defensemen to score double figures in goals this season. The regular season ended with 10 games and 20 assists in 51 games played.

With files from Clark Munroe & Jamie Neugebauer, Co-Directors of Media (SJHL)

Grady Hoffman, Steinbach Pistons (MJHL) Hoffman burst out of the gate in his 18-year-old rookie season in the MJHL with Steinbach. The 2005-born forward led all rookies in scoring with 28 goals and 21 assists in 53 games. His 28 goals were good enough to finish sixth in the league, including five match winners. He was named a Kim Davis Award recipient as the MJHL's Rookie of the Year and was named to the MJHL's Rookie All-Star Team for his strong performance this season.

With files from Eric Swar, Director of Marketing & Partnerships (MJHL)

Noah Tegelaar, (G) Blind River Beavers (NOJHL) During a stellar opening campaign, the 17-year-old Beavers netminder led the NOJHL in wins (27); goals-against average (2.02); save percentage (.928) and shutouts (6). Hailing from Georgetown, Ontario, Tegelaar posted an overall record of 27-4-0-0 in 33 appearances, winning 14 consecutive starts at one point, along with 19 of 20. The NOJHL's Goalkeeper of the Month for December was named an Eastlink competition. TV 3 Stars of the Week was awarded three times. Was selected as a NOJHL 1st Team All-Star and also earned the league's Top Goaltender laurels.

With files from Scott Marshall, statistician (NOJHL)

Matthew Manza, (F) Toronto Patriots (OJHL) Manza, who plans to join the NCAA Division I Ohio State Buckeyes in Columbus, Ohio beginning with the 2025-2026 season, was previously named the OJHL's Rookie of the Year. Manza, who turned 16 on September 22, joined the Patriots this season from his hometown Mississauga Senators under-16 team. He scored 26 goals and had 23 assists in 49 OJHL games. Six of his goals were game winners, while seven were scored on the power play. He was named to the OJHL's First Prospect team this spring. Patriots coach Vince Bellissimo is excited about Manza's ceiling: From the first day of training camp, it was clear Matthew had high potential at the next level, Bellissimo said. He's a great guy and it's a pleasure to work with him every day. We are determined to promote his development in detail over the next two years, to prepare him for his next steps. There is a lot of work to do here individually and as a team, and I know Matthew is committed to doing what it takes to be successful.

With files from Jim Mason, Director of Communications (OJHL)

Jaeden Nelson, (G) Navan Grads (CCHL) The Ottawa product, a native of the nation's capital, made waves in his rookie campaign as a 16-year-old. Nelson led all CCHL goaltenders with 25 wins and had impressive stats overall. He ranked second among CCHL netminders with a .921 save percentage; fourth with a 2.56 goals-against average; and was third in shutouts with three. His stellar performance was instrumental in guiding the Navan Grads to the CCHL regular season title, solidifying his status as a solid presence between the pipes.

With files from CCHL Communications

Honorable Mention statuses for the CJHL Top Rookie Award in 2023-2024 were:

Joey Melo, (W) Whitecourt Wolverines (AJHL); Noah Razon, Rangers de Montreal (LHJAAQ); Spencer Caines, (F) Valley Wildcats (MHL) & Easton Mikus, (F) Thunder Bay North Stars (SIJHL).


Olsen: Martin Martinson / battlefordsNOW

Hofman:Jonathan Kozub

Main role: Helene Rancourt

Fallen: Shawn Muir / OJHL Images

Nelson: Robert Lefebvre /




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