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Golfer of the Year Chun and Borja each earn big ten honors

Golfer of the Year Chun and Borja each earn big ten honors


ROSEMONT, Ill. — University of Michigan senior women's golf Monet Chun was named the Big Ten's Golfer of the Year and a member of the All-Big Ten first team, the conference announced Tuesday (April 30). Fifth-year senior Hailey Borja earned All-Big Ten second team honors and became the first Big Ten golfer to earn five conference honors.

Chun, who was named the 2024 recipient of the Mary Fossum Award on Thursday (April 25), becomes UM's second Golfer of the Year, joining former All-American and teammate Ashley Lau, who earned the program's first prize in 2022. Chun earned her second first-team honor following her 2021 selection, while adding Big Ten's Freshman of the Year honors. She was a second-team selection in 2022 and 2023.

Chun has received All-Big Ten honors in four consecutive seasons, joining Borja as the only Wolverines to earn conference honors every year of their career. Borja became the first Big Ten golfer to earn five conference team selections after returning for her fifth season with the help of the NCAA COVID-19 additional year of eligibility.

Borja, UM's 2024 Sportsmanship Awardee, was named to the First Team in 2021 and earned Second Team honors four times (2020, '22, '23, '24).

Chun is coming off a remarkable final campaign with the Wolverines, having recently won her second career Big Ten individual championship and posting a career-low average of 71.48 per round. Her scoring average is on pace to set a new program record. Chun has led the Wolverines in six of nine events and heads into the NCAA Auburn regional with two straight wins. She won the Chattanooga Classic (April 7-9) with a score of 203 (-10; 74-61-68) and Big Tens with a score of 209 (-7; 73-66-70).

Chun has recorded 11 sub-par rounds to lead the Wolverines. She scored a program-record and career-low 61 (-10) in the second round of the Chattanooga Classic, which tied the second-lowest single-round score in NCAA women's golf history. In total, seven of her eleven under-par rounds have been under 70. In her career, she has scored a total of 32 under-par rounds, which is second only to Borja's 39.

In her final season in Ann Arbor, Borja has started nine events, missing her first career event playing in the 2024 Augusta National Women's Amateur where she finished in eighth place. She ranks second among the Wolverines with a 73.00 per round average as she has produced 10 below-average scores, including two career-low 67s in the second round of the Valspar Augusta Invitational (March 9) and the final round of the Gators Invitational (March 2).

This season, Borja has a career-high five top-10 finishes, including a season-high fifth-place finish at the Stanford Intercollegiate (October 20-22). She added her career-best finish at the Big Ten Championships, finishing in seventh place.

Chun and Borja will lead the Wolverines to their 17th NCAA regional, heading to the Auburn regional Monday through Wednesday, May 6-8, at the Auburn University Club. The top five teams (30 total teams) and the top person not on an advancing team (six total) will advance to the NCAA Finals at the Omni La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, California.

2024 Big Ten Postseason Awards

Big Ten Golfer of the Year: Monet ChunMichigan
Big Ten Freshmen of the Year: Ashley Yun, Northwestern
Big Ten Coach of the Year: Emily Fletcher, Northwestern
Mary Fossum Award winner (lowest scoring average): Monet ChunMichigan

All-Big Ten first team

Jennifer Cai, Northwestern
Monet ChunMichigan

Kary Hollenbaugh, Ohio State
Katie Lu, Michigan State
Patricia Mackova, Maryland
Caley McGinty, Ohio State
Lauryn Nguyen, Northwestern
Isabel Sy, Illinois

All-Big Ten Second team
Hailey BorjaMichigan

Nicha Kanpai, Maryland
Ashley Kozlowski, Purdue
Jieni Li, Northwestern
Isabella McCauley, Minnesota
Kelli Ann Strand, Nebraska
Momo Sugiyama, Purdue
Ashley Yun, Northwestern

Big Ten Sportsmanship Honorees: Isabel Sy (Illinois), Caroline Craig (Indiana), Kaitlyn Hanna (Iowa), Maria Vittoria Corbi (Maryland), Hailey Borja (Michigan)Megan Furtney (Minnesota), Leila Raines (Michigan State), Michaela Vavrova (Nebraska), Dianna Lee (Northwest), Faith Choi (Ohio State), Drew Nienhuas (Penn State), Jocelyn Bruch (Purdue), Leigha Devine (Rutgers) and Vanessa Ho (Wisconsin)

Big Ten Edition




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