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China Sports Weekly (5.12-5.18)-Xinhua

China Sports Weekly (5.12-5.18)-Xinhua


BEIJING, May 18 (Xinhua) — Here are the latest Chinese sports headlines from the past week:

1. 2024 Olympic Qualifying Series held in Shanghai

Zeng Wenhui of China reacts during the street preliminaries of women's skateboarding during the Olympic Qualifier Series Shanghai in Shanghai, east China, May 17, 2024. (Xinhua/Wang Kaiyan)

The inaugural Olympic Qualifier Series (OQS) event kicked off on May 16 in Shanghai. As the first stop of OQS, the four-day event is crucial for qualifying for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris and includes competitions in BMX freestyle, breaking, skateboarding and sport climbing, marking the first time that athletes from these four sports will compete together compete at the same location in one city park.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) sports director Kit McConnell said on May 14 during an online media roundtable that China is an incredibly important part of world sport and that Shanghai has an environment conducive to hosting international sporting events, and he believed that the Chinese metropolis will be too. an excellent host” during the weekend.

Pierre Fratter-Bardy, Associate Director of Strategy & Development for the IOC Olympic Games, told a press conference that the OQS Shanghai is more than a sporting event, and that it is about celebrating what these sports stand for and their lifestyle.

The event also highlighted the vibrant interplay of sports and urban culture in two iconic cities: Shanghai and Paris, in the year of Paris 2024 and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France.

2. WADA receives support from the Foundation Council for the Chinese Swimming Cause

WADA President Witold Banka announced the strong support of the WADA Foundation Board regarding the Chinese swimming contamination case during an extraordinary meeting.

The board, which represents various stakeholders, expressed support for WADA's handling of the contamination case involving swimmers from China.

WADA has referred the case to an independent prosecutor, Eric Cottier, who will submit a report by the end of June. Banka emphasized the prosecutor's access to all relevant information and stressed the importance of considering recommendations to strengthen the global anti-doping system. WADA officials reaffirmed their commitment to fair investigation and athlete involvement in the process, rejecting unsubstantiated allegations and emphasizing the importance of maintaining athletes' confidence in clean sports.

3. Liaoning takes 2-0 lead over Xinjiang in the CBA Finals

Zhao Jiwei (front) of Liaoning Flying Leopards passes the ball during Match 2 between Liaoning Flying Leopards and Xinjiang Flying Tigers during the 2023-2024 Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) Finals season in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, northeast China, May 17, 2024. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)

The Liaoning Flying Leopards breezed past the Xinjiang Flying Tigers 121-112 on May 15 to open the 2023-2024 Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) final series with a bang.

While remaining in Liaoning for Final Game 2, Kyle Fogg's stellar 34-point performance led Liaoning to a 97-86 win over Xinjiang, giving them a commanding 2-0 lead in the final series.

4. China captures the T11 medals in the men's long jump at the World Para-athletics Championships

Chen Shichang of China competes in the men's T11 long jump final at the World Para-Athletics Championships in Kobe, Japan, May 17, 2024. (Xinhua/Zhang Xiaoyu)

China claimed all three medals in the T11 men's long jump final at the World Para-athletics Championships on May 17 in Kobe, Japan.

Chen Shichang, 23, took the gold with a jump of 6.62 meters at the Universiade Memorial Stadium in the Japanese port city of Kobe, twice renewing the championship record.

Di Dongdong took silver with a jump of 6.50 meters, while Ye Tao took bronze with a personal best of 6.48 meters.

5. Olympic selection of the Chinese table tennis team announced

Men's singles winner China's Ma Long poses during the ITTF World Cup Macao 2024 awards ceremony at the Galaxy Arena in Macao, China, April 21, 2024. (Xinhua/Cheong Kam Ka)

The Chinese Table Tennis Association (CTTA) announced its full roster for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on May 14, naming 35-year-old Ma for the men's team event, joining Wang Chuqin and Fan Zhendong, who are currently the top two players in the men's team. world rankings. Liang Jingkun will serve as alternate (P card holder).

On the women's side, Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng will represent China in the singles. Wang Manyu has been selected for the team event, with Wang Yidi as an alternate. The selection for the women's singles was based on the latest world rankings.




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