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How to watch French Open tennis 2024 live in Australia

How to watch French Open tennis 2024 live in Australia
How to watch French Open tennis 2024 live in Australia


The French Open tennis 2024 The tournament starts on Monday at the Stade Roland Garros in Paris, France. The main draw of the second Grand Slam of the year starts on May 26.

Australia's challenge will be led by world number 11 Alex de Minaur. De Minaur won the Mexican Open in March, but was eliminated in the round of 16 of the Italian Open earlier this month.

In men's singles, much of the focus will be on the return of the King of Clay Rafael Nadalwho has won a record 14 French Open titles and missed the Grand Slam last year for the first time since 2004 due to injury.

World number 1 Novak Djokovic, who has won a record 24 Grand Slam men's singles titles, is also the defending champion. In 2023 he won his third title at Roland Garros.

Carlos Alcaraz Spain, who are ranked third in the world, are also expected to be in contention. Last year he reached the semi-finals of the French Open before losing to eventual champion Djokovic.

Former US champion Daniil Medvedev and Australian Open winner Jannik Sinner will also be the players to watch out for, along with two-time French Open runner-up and world number 6 Casper Ruud.

Australia Jordan Thompson and Alexei Popyrin will also compete in singles.

In men's doubles, number 3 in the world Matthew Ebden and his fourth-ranked Indian partner Rohan Bopanna, the reigning Australian Open champion, are the second seeds behind Marcel Granollers of Spain and Horacio Zeballos of Argentina. All-Australian duo Max Purcell and Jordan Thompson will also be in action.

Australia's challenge in women's doubles will be led by world number 7 Ellen Perez who will collaborate with Nicole Melichar-Martinez from the United States of America. The duo recently won the Catalonia Open and also won the San Diego Open in March. Daria Saville will also collaborate with compatriot Ajla Tomljanovic during this event.

World number 84 Daria Saville is the highest ranked Australian in women's singles, headlined by world number 1 Every Swiatek from Poland, who is a three-time winner of the French Open.

Swiatek has won the last two French Open tournaments and arrives in Paris after winning the Madrid Open earlier this month. She is expected to face stiff competition from the likes of Aryna Sabalenka, Coco Gauff and Elena Rybakina.

How to watch French Open 2024 tennis live in Australia

The French Open 2024 tournament will also be broadcast live on Channel 9 and 9Now app and website in Australia.

Australian tennis players at French Open 2024

Men's singles: Alex de Minaur, Jordan Thompson, Alexei Popyrin, Christopher O'Connell, Aleksandar Vukic, Rinky Hijikata, Max Purcell, Thanasi Kokkinakis, Adam Walton

Ladies singles: Daria Saville

Men's doubles: Matthew Ebden-Rohan Bopanna (IND), Max Purcell-Jordan Thompson, John Peers-Roman Safiullin, John Patrick Smith-Denis Molchanov (UKR), Thanasi Kokkinakis-Denis Shapovalov (CAN), Rinky Hijikata-Guido Andreozzi (ARG), Alexander Vukic-Alex Michelsen (USA), Matthew Christopher Romios-Marco Bortolotti (ITA)

Women's doubles: Ellen Perez-Nicole Melichar Martinez (USA), Daria Saville-Ajla Tomljanovic, Olivia Gadecki-Harriet Dart (GBR), Arina Rodionova-Emina Bektas (USA)




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