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Wildcats meet Virginia in Hall of Fame Series Baltimore

Wildcats meet Virginia in Hall of Fame Series Baltimore


PHOENIX (May 21, 2024) Position Sports, in partnership with the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame, announced the field for the 2024 Hall of Fame Series Baltimore at CFG Bank Arena on Friday November 15. The event marks the first time the Hall of Fame has held an event in Charm City.

The Baltimore doubleheader will feature a pair of highly anticipated regional games: Villanova vs Virginia And Penn State vs Virginia Tech.

Ticket sales for the Hall of Fame Series Baltimore continue Wednesday May 22 at 10:00 AM ET at

Details about running time, broadcast information and login details will be announced at a later date.

Owned and operated by Position Sports, the Hall of Fame Series is a collection of unique multi-game events that spotlight some of the best collegiate basketball teams in exciting non-conference games played both domestically and abroad. The first Hall of Fame Series was held in 2023 in Las Vegas, Charlotte, San Antonio, Toronto and Phoenix.

For more information and updates on the Hall of Fame Series, visit or follow @HOFSerie on all social platforms.

History of the Villanova vs. Virginia Series

Virginia leads the all-time series 5-3 in a matchup between two programs that have won three of the last eight national titles. In the last meeting, Villanova, then ranked No. 1, won 61-59 at the Wells Fargo Center on Jan. 29, 2017, with Donte DiVincenzo tapping in a putback layup at the buzzer. The first meeting between Virginia and Villanova took place in the 1981 NCAA East Region quarterfinals (Cavaliers won 54-50).

Villanova will play in Baltimore for the first time since playing Loyola (Md.) on Dec. 3, 1983. Virginia has not appeared in Baltimore since taking on Loyola (Md.) on Dec. 30, 1998.

Quotes from head coaches:

“We are excited to have the opportunity to bring our team to Baltimore to face an excellent Virginia team. When we last played Virginia in 2015 and 2017, the games were intense battles that helped our team We look forward to the opportunity to compete in those types of environments again, this time in the Hall of Fame Series Baltimore.”
Kyle Neptune | Villanova

“We are excited to play Villanova in the Hall of Fame Series Baltimore event. The game will challenge our team early in the season and provide our fans in the Mid-Atlantic region with the opportunity to see us play in a historic arena .”
Tony Bennett | Virginia

History of Penn State vs. Virginia Tech Series

Despite Penn State winning three of the last four meetings, Virginia Tech still holds a 7-4 lead in the all-time series. The Hokies came out on top in the final semifinal game of the Charleston Classic on Nov. 18, 2022, with a 61-59 win. The schools first played each other on February 12, 1921 in State College, Pennsylvania, with Virginia Tech recording a 29-23 victory.

Virginia Tech last played in Baltimore vs. Loyola (Md.) on November 26, 1949. Penn State previously played in Baltimore on November 24, 1997, against Loyola (Md.).

Ace Baldwin (Penn State), the reigning Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year, is a native of Baltimore and a graduate of St. Frances Academy.

Quotes from head coaches:

“We are thrilled that our team will be competing in the Hall of Fame series in Baltimore against Virginia Tech on November 15. It will be a high-level event with two great college basketball games. We are excited to not only connect with our Penn State alumni in the DMV area, but the very passionate basketball fan base in Baltimore. We'll see you in November.
Mike Rhoades | Penn State

“Our program looks forward to competing in the Hall of Fame Series Baltimore event on November 15 against a quality opponent in Penn State. I know Mike Rhoades and have great respect for him and the way his teams play. The City of Baltimore and the CFG Bank Arena will be great hosts and give us the opportunity to play in front of our DMV fans and recruits. It will be a great trip for everyone involved in mid-November.
Mike Young | Virginia Tech

About positional sports

Founded in 2005, Position Sports is a premium event production and brand marketing company specializing in event operations, activation development, media relations and digital engagement. Over the years, Position Sports has worked with many of the world's leading brands, including Nike, Jordan Brand, Red Bull, the Basketball Hall of Fame, ESPN Events, USA Basketball, Upper Deck, MLB and T-Mobile in nearly every major American city and on a global scale. Position Sports provides clients with the comprehensive strategic direction needed to succeed in the sports marketing arena, also known as Positioning. Visit for more information or follow @positionsport on Twitter and Instagram.

About Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame

Located in Springfield, Massachusetts, the city where basketball was born, the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting, preserving and celebrating the game of basketball at every level, men and women. women, amateur and professional players, coaches and staff, both nationally and internationally. The Hall of Fame Museum is home to more than 450 inductees and more than 40,000 square feet of basketball history. Nearly 200,000 people visit the Hall of Fame Museum each year to learn about the game, experience the interactive exhibits, and test their skills on the Jerry Colangelo “Court of Dreams.” The Hall of Fame is best known for its annual Enshrinement Ceremony honoring the game's elite. In addition, the Hall of Fame annually hosts more than 70 high school and collegiate competitions across the country and abroad. For more information about the Basketball Hall of Fame organization, museum and events, visit hoophall.comto follow @hoophallu or call 1-877-4HOOPLA.

About CFG Bank Arena

CFG Bank Arena is a multi-purpose sports and entertainment venue in the heart of downtown Baltimore. The Arena first opened in 1962, when it was known as the Baltimore Civic Center. Located at 201 W. Baltimore Street, the Arena has recently been transformed into a world-class facility by Oak View Group, which now hosts world-class concerts, family shows, sporting events and more. The venue celebrated its grand opening weekend on April 7 and 8, 2023 with sold-out performances by Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band and the Eagles. In its first year, the Arena hosted more than 124 events, including 38 sold-out events, and welcomed more than 828,870 fans. The modern, world-class Arena worth more than $250 million seats 14,000 guests and serves as a major anchor on the west side of downtown Baltimore, spurring further investment and development in the area. CFG Bank Arena was recently ranked 10th globally as the highest grossing venue (10-15,000 capacity) by Billboard Magazine. Visit www.cfgbankarena.comand follow CFG Bank Arena on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X.




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