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Wyoming defensive lineman transfer Gavin Meyer is committed to USC football

Wyoming defensive lineman transfer Gavin Meyer is committed to USC football


Finally, USC has landed a defensive lineman from the transfer portal. Wyoming Handover Gavin Meijer to the Trojans on Wednesday. He made the announcement on social media with defensive line coach Eric Henderson's mantra, DAWGWORK, included in the message.

Meyer spent the last four years at nose tackle at Wyoming. Over the past two seasons, he was part of the Cowboys' defensive line rotation and played in 26 games, making 66 tackles, including 8.5 tackles for loss and four sacks. He started six games in 2022 but was used more as a rotation player at Wyoming in 2023, when he logged 351 defensive snaps. For comparison, Bear Alexander played 660 defensive snaps for USC last season. Meyer is 6-foot-4 and 282 pounds.

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Meyer did very well Pro football focus last season. He earned an overall defensive grade of 77.9, a run defense grade of 77.9 and a pass rush grade of 70.7. Meyer's overall defensive rating and run defense grade are both better than the grades of any USC interior defensive lineman from last season.

The addition of Meyer will help fill the void left behind Isaiah Raikes, the nose tackle USC added from Texas A&M in the winter transfer portal. Raikes transferred to Chestnut brown during spring term at the end of USC's spring camp after just three months on campus. The Trojans lost another defensive lineman in this window as a second-year freshman Deijon Laffitte.

Back in April, Lincoln Riley addressed the situation on USC's defensive line, calling the position “a necessity.”

“A defensive lineman is probably the biggest need,” he said. “God didn't make many of those guys. That is the most immediate need for us.'

Before landing Meyer, the USC staff tried to add defensive line help earlier this season, but missed their two main targets: Derrick Harmonwho exchanged State of Michigan for OregonAnd Jermayne Lolefrom whom the switch was made Louisvilledetermined Oklahoma, but ultimately chose Texas. The Trojans also tried to add an edge rusher in this portal window, but that didn't work out.

Gavin Meijer (Photo: Wyoming Football, Getty)

Meyer will compete for playing time with Alexander, Kobe Pepewho started on the inside of the defensive line in USC's spring game and is a redshirt sophomore Elijah Hugheswhich the staff attaches great importance to. Anthony Luke And Nate Clifton are two other linemen who can play on the inside or on the perimeter. USC's other traditional defensive tackles are all inexperienced and likely won't play much in 2023.




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