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Colorado Springs dad hit by puck while watching hockey game still recovering from concussion months later

Colorado Springs dad hit by puck while watching hockey game still recovering from concussion months later
Colorado Springs dad hit by puck while watching hockey game still recovering from concussion months later


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) -A Colorado Springs father is still recovering three months after he was hit in the head with a hockey puck while standing in the stands at Ed Robson Arena. It left him with a serious concussion.

On February 16, Stanton Kensinger said he was at a Colorado College hockey game with his family and friends.

Coincidentally, he was sitting in the second row behind Colorado College, Kensinger said. A friend asked me a question, so I turned my head.

Then he felt a heavy blow on his head.

The defender shot as hard as he could, Kensinger said. He tried to shoot the puck high off the glass, but he went high and missed the glass, went straight and hit me in the back of the head.

He has had concussions in the past as a hockey player.

None of this, he said.

He didn't expect to suffer a concussion as a spectator.

In theory, they have the right amount of security protocol with the internet nearby, but in this section there is no net, Kensinger said.

He went to the ER knowing it was serious.

I knew I was confused. My balance was disturbed, my vision, fatigue, I could not perform daily activities. I couldn't even drive, he said.

As a real estate agent who travels for work, he had to take a leave of absence.

I couldn't go to an airport. There is no way I can drive there or even get to my gate, Kensinger said.

He had a very serious injury, said Dr. Nicholas Piantanida, director of sports medicine at UCHealth.

Dr. Piantanida helped roll out UCHealth's concussion assessment program five years ago.

In his case, he needed everyone. He needed the speech therapist to work on his cognition, he needed the OT to work on motor skills, and he needed the neurotherapist to sort it all out, said Dr. Piantanida.

An often silent or invisible injury, Dr. Piantanida wants people to learn about symptoms of a concussion, such as nausea, headaches, brain fog and easy forgetting.

You may not understand why you can't see clearly or why your balance is off, he said.

He also warns that a concussion should not result from a direct hit to the head. An impulsive force can be transmitted to the brain.

Why do you not feel well emotionally when you hit your shoulder, he explained.

After three months of multiple appointments a week, Kensinger is now driving, back to work and getting back to his old normal.

I'm still working on some things memory wise, so I'm writing everything down, he said, showing the notebook he has on hand.

Its progress is thanks to Dr. Piantanida to his determination.

He is very deliberate about keeping appointments and following instructions, which all contributes to the way they recover, he said.

Kensinger thanks his care team. In the past, he waited out a concussion, hoping it would recover on its own. Now he is glad he sought help.

Be aware of what's available to you wherever you are, Kensinger said.

Kensinger said Colorado College told him there was nothing they could do after the incident. 11 News reached out to the college spokesperson for a statement earlier this week and did not receive one. When we do, the update will be shared in this article.




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