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2024 French Open women's odds, picks, predictions, schedule, draw: Elite tennis expert backs Coco Gauff

2024 French Open women's odds, picks, predictions, schedule, draw: Elite tennis expert backs Coco Gauff


The 2024 French Open starts on Sunday as defending champion and three-time winner Iga Swiatek begins her quest for a fourth title. Swiatek has a 28-2 record at Roland Garros and she is trying to become the first woman to win titles in Madrid, Rome and Roland Garros in the same season since Serena Williams in 2013. She is on a twelve-match winning streak. and is installed as the -160 favorite (risk $160 to win $100) in the 2024 French Open odds. Should you back Swiatek as the odds-on favorite with your 2024 French Open betting?

Swiatek will have to navigate a French Open draw with Aryna Sabalenka (+500), Coco Gauff (+850) and Elena Rybakina (+1100). Sabalenka defended her Australian Open title in January before reaching the finals in Madrid and Rome. Before we commit to 2024 French Open picks or predictions, you've got to see SportsLine tennis handicapper Jose Onorato's French Open 2024 picks.

Onorato grew up playing competitive tennis in Caracas, Venezuela. After coming to the US, he trained with famed coach Nick Bollettieri at the IMG Academy in Florida and faced the likes of Robert Farah, now one of the world's top-ranked doubles players.

Onorato, who has a dual degree in finance and economics from the University of Miami, does extensive research before placing a tennis bet. He studies current form, players' tendencies on a particular surface, weather conditions and many other relevant factors. That systematic approach has helped Onorato move to 160-104-8 (+97.32 units) since 2022.

Now Onorato has broken down the latest odds for the 2024 French Open women's draw and released his coveted best bets to win it all. He shares all his picks and analysis on SportsLine.

French Open Top Picks for 2024

One surprise: Onorato has high odds against Coco Gauff, even though she is +850 longshot. The young American's season has not gone to plan so far, but she remains one of the best clay court players in women's football. Her forehand is one of her biggest weaknesses, so the slow clay courts give her much-needed time to execute her shots.

Last year she broke through with her first Grand Slam title at the US Open and reached the 2022 French Open final. Gauff added a semi-final appearance at the Australian Open earlier this year, so she's a regular in the final stages of Grand Slams. She recently passed Caroline Wozniacki for the most WTA 1000 wins before turning 21, and Onorato believes Gauff can take another step forward at the French Open.

“Gauff's performances on clay have been particularly impressive, with deep runs in several tournaments this season,” Onorato told SportsLine. “Her tenacity and skill make her a dark horse who could surprise many by advancing deep into the second week of competition.”Here you can see who else you should support.

How to make predictions for the 2024 French Open

Onorato has thoroughly studied the women's draw and has identified three more future games, including one on a long shot that would make it more than 20-1. He shares his analysis, and all his selections and best bets on the Women's French Open, only on SportsLine.

So where lies the value of the women's French Open in 2024, and which longshot is a must-back? Visit SportsLine now to see Onorato's best futures bets for the women's draw, all from the tennis expertAnd invent.

2024 French Open odds, contenders, favorites

Check out the 2024 French Open picks on SportsLine.

Every Swiatek -160
Aryna Sabalenka +500
Coco Gauff +850
Elena Rybakina +1100
Danielle Collins +2100
Jelena Ostapenko +3400
Qinwen Zheng +3600
Mira Andreeva +4400
Maria Sakkari +4500
Our Jabeur +5000
Elina Svitolina +5000
Barbora Krejcikova +7000
Victoria Azarenka +7000
Dayana Yastremska +7000
Marketa Vondrousova +7500
Sofia Ken's +9000




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