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Clutch Owls Punch Ticket for ASUN Title Game

Clutch Owls Punch Ticket for ASUN Title Game


DELAND, Fla. For the second time in three seasons, Kennesaw State baseball advanced to the Atlantic Sun Championship Game on Saturday afternoon, defeating No. 6 Central Arkansas 6-5 in the semifinals.

The Owls (32-23, 19-10 ASUN) jumped out to an early 2-0 lead behind four scoreless frames of Smith Pinson but the red-hot Bears (26-30, 12-18 ASUN) tied the game at two in the fifth. The tie was short-lived after a four-run fifth from the Black and Gold, making it 6-2. UCA tried to rally with three in the seventh but couldn't muster an equalizer in the final two frames as KSU earned its fifth trip to the ASUN title game in program history.

2024 All-ASUN First Team and All-Freshman selection Bo Rhudy continued his stellar freshman campaign, pitching the final 2.2 innings of relief, allowing just two baserunners and zero UCA runs to earn his KSU-best sixth save of the season. He has earned the save in five of his last six appearances.

Fellow 2024 All-ASUN first teamer Nick Hassan added to his impressive senior season with two hits and two key RBI for the Owls. He set up the score for KSU in the third.

Jackson Chirello provided the fireworks and undoubtedly went long in the fourth, his second of 2024. Chris Cole And Zac Corbin joined Hassan and Chirello with mutli-hit games. Corbin reached the plate in three of his four trips Donovan Cash ripped two RBI. Cash moved into sixth place in KSU DI career history with 132 RBIs in an Owl uniform.

Kennesaw State has now won a season-high seven games, the longest streak under a head coach Ryan Coe. KSU is the only remaining undefeated team at the tournament, having won all three matches by one point each.

Beginner Smith Pinson threw only eight pitches in the opening frame, eliminating the Bears to open the game. He followed suit with eight pitches and two groundouts in the second. The right-hander scored his third inning of eight straight pitches, ending with a double play, which retired the side.

Cole led off the bottom of the third with his second hit of the day in the form of a double to right. After reaching third base, Hassan singled to right to score the first run in favor of Black and Gold. KSU led 1-0 after three.

On the first pitch thrown in the bottom of the fourth, Chirello launched a no-doubt to right field for a solo homer, extending the lead to 2-0. UCA tied the game at two in the top of the fifth.

After consecutive walks in the bottom of the fifth, Hassan sent a single up the middle to score Isaac Bouton. Cash then came to the plate and sent a two-run single into right field, then scored himself two batters later on a single by Corbin. KSU led 6-2 after five. UCA scored three runs in the seventh to make it 6-5.

Rhudy pitched the final 2.2 frames, striking out three and keeping the Bears off the board to advance Kennesaw State to the ASUN Championship.


Kennesaw State awaits the winner of No. 3 Stetson and No. 4 FGCU for the 2024 Atlantic Sun Championship on Sunday, May 26 at 1 p.m. Fans can follow the action via the KSU Owl Network radio call here or on ESPN+.




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