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'India plays more cricket than anyone in the world': Australian legend on his link to replace Rahul Dravid as coach

'India plays more cricket than anyone in the world': Australian legend on his link to replace Rahul Dravid as coach
'India plays more cricket than anyone in the world': Australian legend on his link to replace Rahul Dravid as coach


Rahul Dravid's contract with the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) as head coach of the Indian men's cricket team expires after the 2024 T20 World Cup in June. Quite a few Australian greats, including Ricky Ponting and Justin Langer, have been linked with the job, but both denied the role. As BCCI's search for a capable replacement for Dravid, who is not keen to re-apply for the job, continues, another Australian legend found himself in the race to become India's next head coach, with a contract until the ODI World Cup from 2027.

Indian head coach Rahul Dravid's contract with BCCI expires after the 2024 T20 World Cup (PTI)
Indian head coach Rahul Dravid's contract with BCCI expires after the 2024 T20 World Cup (PTI)

Former batsman Mike Hussey on Saturday became the latest Australian to be linked with the role of replacing Dravid in the Indian cricket set-up. However, he ruled himself out of the fray, saying that this is something he isn't keen on doing at the moment.

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Especially as a full-time international coach, it's not something I'm that excited about at this stage of my life,” Hussey, who currently works as batting coach of Chennai Super Kings, was quoted as saying by Sydney Morning Herald. of playing, and even now it doesn't stand really on my radar, and I enjoy the balance of being able to coach as an assistant or head coach and then also do a little bit of media. I like that balance and still spend some time at home. You would always like to have more time at home, but the bucket is quite full at the moment.”

In addition to his pivotal role in CSK's set-up over the years, Hussey also serves as head coach of Welsh Fire in The Hundred and is also a commentator for Fox Cricket during the home summer in Australia.

They play more cricket than probably anyone in the world, they literally go from tour to tour to tour. So that would be quite a challenging role, where you have to be there, with your feet on the ground,” he said. “You'll probably only get the IPL off, which is eight to 10 weeks, but then the rest of the year. , you'll be pretty much on your way.

Earlier, BCCI secretary Jay Shah clarified that neither he nor any other board member had approached former Australian cricketers for the high-profile job.

“Neither I nor the BCCI have approached any former Australian cricketer with a coaching offer. The reports circulating in certain media sections are completely false. Finding the right coach for our national team is a painstaking and thorough process. We are focused on identifying individuals who possess a deep understanding of the Indian cricket structure and have risen through the ranks,” Shah said.




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