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7180 Optima Kierland debuts in Scottsdale


High-rise, sustainable living in Arizona has taken to a whole new level this week with the opening of 7180 Optima Kierland, the 12-story residential tower of thoughtfully designed condominiums, along with the most impressive and comprehensive luxury amenities in the state, all in North Scottsdales’ most desirable address.

The opening of the building also marks the official debut of the next evolution of Optimas’ award-winning green building design created by David Hovey, Jr., AIA, Optima’s president and chief architect. Optima is known for cutting-edge residential buildings that have been nationally and internationally recognized with over 50 prestigious awards for the company’s commitment to design, innovation and sustainability.

With the building sold over 70 percent and the first homeowners starting to move this month, one of the biggest draws for buyers is the array of opulent amenities, both rooftop and ground floor. Atop the 12th floor is the spectacular Sky Deck, which is designed to feel like it has a negative view, with the handrails lowered just past the line of sight, so the eye goes straight to the vistas beyond and gives the feeling of floating above the city. The Sky Deck offers residents Arizona’s first rooftop residential racecourse, a heated pool with built-in seating areas, a spa and a cold plunge pool; a steam room, sauna and hydrotherapy zones; an outdoor theater, seating areas with fire pits, an indoor / outdoor yoga studio and a full kitchen and fun areas with BBQs, an indoor bar and a counter with large flat screen TVs.

The ground floor amenities offering is Club One, with an indoor and outdoor fitness center with state-of-the-art cardio and fitness equipment, free weights and a yoga studio; a steam room, massage room, sauna, cold plunge pool and spa; barbecues, fire pits, lounge areas and an outdoor gym; an indoor dog park and dog laundry; a games room with a golf simulator, table tennis and billiards; a banquet room with a chef’s kitchen and an outdoor entertainment area; basketball / pickle ball, squash and bocce courts; a lounge with seating, TVs and a coffee and tea bar; a theater room with a big screen and a business center and conference room.

One of the building’s most unmistakable features is the next-generation vertical landscaping system, with self-sustaining irrigation and drainage allowing a palette of vibrantly colored plants to grow at the edge of each floor both on and above the building. Other sustainable design elements include a dynamic, undulating façade with perforated panels and blinds that create shadows and shadows, voids and textures punctuated by the desert sun; technologically advanced building materials including a post-tensioned concrete construction, an aluminum fill-in window wall system, aluminum sun blinds and blades; a variety of energy-efficient and CO2-emission-reducing design aspects and water savings through sanitation.

7180 Optima Kierland rules a lushly landscaped six-hectare oasis, accentuated by a sparkling water feature. The beauty of the park is second only to its remarkable feature, which is designed to lower the ambient temperature and soften the heat island effect. Optima worked closely with Dr. Chris Martin of Arizona State University to develop and refine a plant palette that thrives in the desert climate and is sensitive to water needs. All the landscape creates a microclimate that lowers the ambient temperature from five to nine degrees.

With the unveiling of the 7180 Optima Kierland, we are proud to demonstrate Optimas’ continued commitment to design-driven luxury living, which is at the forefront of the industry in terms of innovation, sustainability and technology. David Hovey, Jr., AIA. We have carefully curated these homes to meet the needs of today’s homeowners who expect intuitive design and tech-focused features in a beautiful, comfortable environment. Plus the convenience of the very best in health, wellness and social connections through on-site amenities that rival five-star resorts. We delivered all of this in one building and we look forward to our homeowners experiencing 7180 Optima Kierland firsthand.

Starting next week, four incredible model homes will be available for private tours. The models showcase Optimas’ clean, contemporary aesthetic with Italian custom cabinets, Kohler faucets and fixtures, Bosch appliances and floor-to-ceiling window walls opening onto private terraces to maximize indoor and outdoor living and let in the dramatic backdrop of the desert mountains. see. The model tours are by appointment only, face masks are mandatory and no more than four people are allowed in a group. Remediation stations have been set up in the building. Optima also takes the necessary precautions to ensure that the common areas of the buildings meet CDC health and safety standards.

7180 Optima Kierland is the loftiest tower within the $ 500 million Optima Kierland Center, which is just steps from the dining, shopping and entertainment of Kierland Commons and Scottsdale Quarter. Although the residential enclave is in the center of the city’s bustling core, it is also set against an enchanting desert backdrop with direct access to the country’s best golf courses, spas, hiking and biking trails.

Priced from $ 500,000 to over $ 2 million, the 7180 Optima Kierland consists of 202 carefully designed one, two and three bedroom homes, plus a collection of premium penthouses on the top floor. For more information on 7180 Optima Kierland, to arrange a virtual tour or to schedule a private appointment, visit

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