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Ball State hockey helps combat mental health stigma through Morgan's Message

Ball State hockey helps combat mental health stigma through Morgan's Message
Ball State hockey helps combat mental health stigma through Morgan's Message


When Ball State hockey junior Jenna Wyckoff told teammates Maya Guinn and Emma Hilton about Morgan's Message, the two upperclassmen were immediately interested.

The organization, which was co-founded in 2020 by the Virginia-based Rodgers family in the wake of Morgan Rodgers' death by suicide the year before, focuses on providing student-athletes with resources to help with issues related with mental health.

Morgan was a lacrosse player at Duke University at the time of her death, prompting the founders to focus Morgan's message on athletes. Already interested in eliminating stigmas surrounding mental health in athletics, Hilton and Guinn were inspired by Wyckoff's younger sister, Rylie, to become ambassadors for Ball State hockey Morgan's Message.

Mental health is just as important as your physical health when you play a sport, Hilton said. In college athletics, this is sometimes overlooked because there is a large overlap between performance and mental performance.

Although Rylie is only a junior at Warren Hills High School in New Jersey, she already represents her school as a Morgans Message ambassador. Last Sunday, the Cardinals hosted a Morgans Message game against Louisville, with Rylie speaking at halftime.

Ball State lost to Louisville 4-2, but head coach Caitlin Walsh felt the meaning behind the game outweighed the outcome.

It's just really special and it brings everyone together, Walsh said. When we're on the sidelines it's a game, but it's great to have something we can bring together and support.

Guinn, a senior, has had a legendary journey with her own mental health. Her biggest struggle during her four seasons as a Division I athlete was juggling her personalities: student, athlete, Maya.

It took me a long time in college to figure out how to balance it properly, Guinn said. It seemed like a great opportunity to help younger athletes just starting college through this club.

To make some time for myself every day, Guinn goes for a run or walk and listens to podcasts from Nick Bare and others. She also recognized the benefits of activities like journaling and yoga.

What works best for Guinn when it comes to mentally preparing for her time on the court is intentionally setting aside five minutes before each practice or game to put all her worldly concerns aside. Hilton, a graduate student in the field of sports performance, knows that these types of techniques have benefits in gaming.

Knowing how to control your emotions or your thoughts while you play, and how to use that to your advantage, will really help you get the most out of what you play. [sport] You play, Hilton said. It's cool that I can take what I learn in school and apply it to real-life scenarios in my actual athletic career.

Walsh, who was a field hockey athlete at Old Dominion prior to her coaching career, realizes the unique perspective she brings to her role when it comes to understanding her athletes' struggles from both a personal and athletic standpoint. Walsh discovered during her time as a Monarch that hockey is 95 percent mental, and she has incorporated that belief into her coaching philosophy.

With that in mind, Walsh never hesitated when Guinn, Hilton and Wyckoff came to her with the idea of ​​Ball State hockey's involvement in Morgan's Message.

I tell the team all the time, 'You can do as much as you want on campus and in the community,'” Walsh said. They give everything they do on the field and in the classroom, so I think it's super important that they pursue the things they're super passionate about.

Guinn said Ball States Morgan's Message team has already seen tangible results in the short time she and Hilton have led the organization. And it's not just field hockey player Morgan's Message that has an impact.

All athletes go through pretty much the same things and have to overcome the same things, Guinn said. We've been able to have more one-on-one conversations with people who could talk openly about mental health, rather than just keeping it a secret.

The Cardinals next take the field on Friday, September 27 with a 3:00 PM Mid-American Conference (MAC) game against Miami (OH) at the Briner Sports Complex in Muncie.

Contact Kyle Smedley via email at [email protected] or at X @KyleSmedley_.




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