Ken Campbell, not Matt Rempe, is the “shame” on hockey
Earlier this week, Ken Campbell, he of The Hockey News fame, wrote a hit piece about Matt Rempe, calling him a disgrace to hockey. Campbell has never been known to have quality shots, but to argue about old school hockey styles. He's just a younger Stan Fischler at this point. But no, Ken. Matt Rempe, a 22-year-old boy, is not a disgrace to hockey. You are.
I'm not linking to Ken's piece(s) because I don't want him to generate additional traffic. Ken's basic justification is that Rempe does nothing but fight and hit people. Almost as if he wasn't just stating that fighting after a clean hit is stupid. He's so close to the right answer, especially since most of Rempe's hits are within the rules. Emphasis on most, as Rempe is far from perfect and he is (deservedly) suspended for an elbow.
A lot of the problems stem from the fact that Rempe is 10 feet tall and even with his elbow tucked in the hits can look bad. But again, most hits are within the rulebook. You, Ken, are ashamed because you don't understand the basic rules of hockey. If you have a problem, check the rule book. If you want all contact with the head to be banned, take a look at the rule book. Rempe – again, for the most part – tries to get low enough on his gargantuan frame to touch shoulder to shoulder or chest. He tries to avoid the head as the primary point of contact. He has gotten much better at this too.
Calling Rempe a disgrace to the game is that he remains laser-focused on one incident (the Siegenthaler elbow). He was rightly given a four-match suspension for it. I don't see the article calling Tom Wilson a disgrace to the game, he for the many incidents, fines and suspensions. I don't remember seeing anything about Matt Cooke. It seems like Ken has a problem with a kid who is still learning the game.
No, Ken. You are the disgrace to hockey. Aimed at a child who is still growing. Being the target of a good kid with his heart in the right place, trying to figure out what his game is and where he belongs. Oh, and you're also ignoring the very obvious fact that he doesn't pick these fights. Rempe is trying to focus on hockey, and people like you won't let him.
How about contributing something constructive? Rempe needs to work on decision making, paths to the puck on the forecheck and keeping his stick in the lanes to disrupt outlets. But it seems like Ken has no real knowledge of hockey systems. He's just an angry old man yelling at a cloud. Maybe he wants to be Abe Simpson when he retires.
Ken Campbell is a disgrace to hockey for such a childish piece. Babies complain of a kid who has 111 total NHL minutes. If Campbell spent the same amount of time, two hours, watching tape and his games, he would see a kid who has a good motor and an eye for the puck, but is still raw and needs refinement.
Instead, Campbell used his old man shout at the cloud platform to belittle a kid a third his age. Retired, Ken. You're ashamed when you aim for pieces like this. Rempe is not the shame. This kid will have a decent NHL career, assuming fools like Campbell allow him to grow and develop his game.
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