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Sharks Locker Room: Confidence, Development and Will Smith

Sharks Locker Room: Confidence, Development and Will Smith


Will Smith is a very confident person.

You notice that from the moment you meet him.

So maybe that's one of the reasons why the San Jose Sharks themselves had the confidence to start and develop him in the NHL despite his obvious struggles, albeit in just eight games.

He's not just a prospect.

The faith of both Smith and the Sharks was rewarded on Halloween night, when Smith fell just short of a hat trick with a pair of goals, leading San Jose to a 3-2 win over the Chicago Blackhawks.

The 19-year-old, pointless through eight NHL games with many calling for him to be demoted to the AHL, had the audacity to call his first NHL goal before the game. It's arrogance if you can't deliver; it's self-confidence if you can do that.

And Will Smith backed it up with back-to-back snipes from lightning rods.

That's not an exaggeration: San Jose Hockey Now received a text from an NHL scout, not the Sharks, marveling at how quickly Smith got free on his targets.

Even veteran Alex Wennberg, who has scored many goals during his career, said: “It's a great opportunity. I mean, sure, it would be nice to have that [skill] but it's also fun to sit on the couch and see it.”

Yes, Smith has a lot to work on, as head coach Ryan Warsofsky reminded us after the game, especially from the puck.

But Will Smith is a special prospect – and he reminded everyone of that tonight.

Oh, and the Sharks just won their third straight race and fellow super prospect Macklin Celebrini returned to practice today.

Just three nights ago, with five minutes to go in Utah, the San Jose Sharks were down 4-1 and looking at a tenth straight loss.

And now? It's all sunshine in San Jose.

As the Sharks, to a man, warned everyone about Smith's slow start: It's a long season.


Warsofsky, on Will Smith's growth:

“We saw him grow through his games, and there were some things he had to do better tonight without the puck, but to get him rewarded with the two goals, big goals, highlight goals, really. It's nice to see because he's been working hard so far. We have pushed and challenged him to get better in many different areas, and for him to be rewarded tonight is nice.”

Warsofsky, on the lines of San Jose Sharks finding chemistry:

“The most important thing is that we are starting to see chemistry in our lines. When you see chemistry, you see pucks being put in space and guys skating on them, guys making plays. Toffoli does one, and he knows Grandma will be there. They're starting to build that chemistry. Together with Eky, same with that fourth line, they were good. They give us good minutes. It's a tough line, Cards gives them good energy. Grundstrom can skate, he's physical. I thought all four lines were quite balanced.”

Warsofsky, on the pressure on Will Smith:

“It's probably the heaviest weight he's ever had on his shoulders in his life, right? He probably didn't get any points the first time. The team is starting to lose a little bit, all those things play into that feeling of that big weight on your shoulders and to be rewarded, he's a goalscorer, he's a playmaker. Wants the puck on his stick. I'm sure he feels like he's going to sleep a lot better tonight.


Smith, on scoring his first two NHL goals after a rough start to the season:

“Of course it's nice to get the first one. But in this world you can't always have a perfect start, and you have to fight through some things. So it's good to see one go in and then it's good to see a second one go in as well.”

Smith, on his development schedule:

“We do it for a reason, so since I'm at the top, obviously I want to be with them and fight. But besides that, I always try to pick another player to watch them, see what they do and bring that into my own game.”

Smith, about his first goal:

“It happened so quickly. I clearly saw the D coming down, and when the turnover happened, I stayed on the weak side and Kunin made a great pass there.

Smith, on moving past the slow start:

“We're about to get into November, and I think people are panicking a little too much about it. We're going to turn it around, and it's already happened a little bit here. We have a great group of guys and it's fun here and even better when we win.”

Smith, when he fired his shot:

Just a gut feeling about it.


Wennberg, on Will Smith's shot:

“It's a bull's eye. I mean, sure, it would be nice to have that [skill] but it's also fun to sit on the couch and see it.”

Wennberg, on developing chemistry with Fabian Zetterlund and Daniil Gushchin:

“I feel like we are playing well. I feel like we move our feet, when we play, when we skate hard. Of course we have been rewarded lately, but we just keep doing what we do. I think ultimately it's a little bit about building chemistry, building the connection. Right now we find each other out there.”

Wennberg, about his goal:

“I can't really explain the goal because it felt like it was a dead game. At the end of the day I got a little bit of control over it, but that's why you just have to keep playing until the whistle blows and it obviously changed the momentum of the game a little bit.


Blackwood, on the defense standing up for him:

“You can see they're taking a lot of care right now, sacrificing the body, making big blocks and making big plays, that's what it takes to win. We're starting to feel good about our game and have to figure some things out as a team, how to protect a lead, how to bend your end but not break it. I thought they did a great job tonight.”

Blackwood, on the difference between this season and last season:

'I think we'd just do better not to panic. You know they will push and spend some time on your end, but you just have to limit their opportunities and make sure you don't give them a lot of A grades [chances}. Just keeping them to the outside and get some blocks and big clears. We were able to do that”

Blackwood, on Smith’s quick shot release:

“No comment. I’m not giving him any credit. (smiles) We’ve got a little rivalry going. So no, there’s no comment.”

Special thanks to William Espy for his help with transcribing.




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