Jannik Sinner says there is room for improvement in 2025 after the home ATP final
Jannik Sinner says he still has areas to improve next year after winning the ATP Finals for the first time on Sunday to cap a near-perfect season for the world number one. The 23-year-old Sinner defeated Taylor Fritz 6-4, 6-4 in the season-ending event in Turin, his eighth title of a remarkable season that started with a maiden Grand Slam victory at the Australian Open. He followed that up with a second major victory at the US Open in September, after being embroiled in a doping controversy after twice testing positive for traces of the steroid clostebol six months earlier.
An appeal from the World Anti-Doping Agency against his initial exemption has since been hanging over his head, with WADA demanding a ban of up to two years for the Italian.
As Sinner awaits the outcome of that case, he looks ahead to 2025 with no specific goals in mind, but with an eye to further sharpening his game – an ominous warning to his rivals from a player who has won 26 of his last 27 games .
“Whatever we can catch we take and the rest we learn. I think that was the mentality we approached all year, trying to raise my level at specific times, which I've done all year long” , Sinner said.
“I'm very happy with that because it's a very nice way to end an incredible season. Many wins, many titles.”
Sinner becomes the first Italian to win the Final in its 55-year history, just days after becoming the first from his country to top the ATP year-end rankings.
His Tour-leading 70th win of the season made him the first player since Ivan Lendl in 1986 to win the tournament without dropping a set.
“I actually believe there is still a gap of improvement,” Sinner said.
“There are still certain shots and points that I can make better sometimes, but they are small details. The higher you play level-wise, the more details make the difference.”
Sinner has responded to Novak Djokovic's championship match loss at last year's ATP Finals by displacing the Serb at the top of the game.
'Better than last year'
Sinner swept Fritz aside again in straight sets, just as he did in the group stage and the US Open final in September, and improved his hard-court record to 50-3 this year.
“I tried to make myself better than last year, to find the keys to win this final. I am very happy that I was able to withstand this pressure and share this success with the Italian public,” said Sinner.
“It's great, it's my first title in Italy and it means so much to me.”
Sinner will now head to Malaga, where he hopes to lead Italy to a successful defense of their Davis Cup title.
After a well-deserved rest, he heads to Australia in the new year, arriving in Melbourne with the pressure of defending a Grand Slam crown for the first time.
“I don't know how I'm going to react, how I'm going to play,” Sinner said.
“It is certain that I will prepare it as best as possible. Like every tournament, we try to prepare it, and then we will see.”
“I always say tennis is unpredictable. You never know what can happen. So if you're in a good place mentally, it'll all work out.”
Fritz fell short in his bid to become the first American ATP Finals champion since Pete Sampras in 1999, but will rise to a career-best fourth in the rankings.
“With the good results it has been a great week for me,” said Fritz, who was defeated by Sinner for the fourth time in five meetings.
“It's a good way to end the year. It gives me a lot of confidence to finish the season.
“From next year I feel like I have a good idea of the things I need to improve, but I also feel like I'm playing very good tennis.
“I feel like I've gone up a level and am a lot more confident in my game.”
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
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