Jim Frey, former manager of the Royals and Cubs, dies at 88
SOMERSET, N.J. (AP) – Jim Frey, who led the Kansas City Royals to the 1980 AL pennant and the Chicago Cubs less than a 1984 World Series win, has died. He was 88 years old.
Frey died on Sunday at his home in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, according to the Atlantic League Somerset Patriots, the minor league team with which he has been affiliated since its launch in 1998. The Patriots have not announced a cause of deceased.
Born in Cleveland on May 26, 1931, Frey became friends with future major major Don Zimmer at Western Hills High School in Cincinnati.
An outfielder, Frey spent 14 seasons in the minor leagues of the Boston Braves and Milwaukee and the St. Louis Cardinals without reaching the majors.
He spotted and managed in the minor leagues for Baltimore and coached the Orioles under the direction of Earl Weaver from 1979 to 1979.
Frey replaced Whitey Herzog as manager of the Royals after the 1979 season. They won the AL West with a record 97-65 in 1980, finishing 14 games before Oakland.
This Royals team led an attack led by MVP George Brett, Willie Wilson, Hal McRae, Frank White and Willie Aikens, and a pitching staff led by Dennis Leonard, Larry Gura and Dan Quisenberry, and they swept the New York Yankees 3-0 in the AL Championship Series. Kansas City lost the World Series to Philadelphia in six games.
Kansas City was 20-30 when the 1981 season was interrupted by a player strike and 10-10 when Frey was fired with the Royals in first place in the second half division rankings. He was replaced by Dick Howser, who had been abandoned by the Yankees after losing to the Royals.
Frey coached the New York Mets in 1982 and 1983, then was hired by the Cubs to replace Charlie Fox. Seeking its first World Series title since 1908, Chicago went 96-65 and won the NL East, reaching the playoffs for the first time since 1945.
A famous group of Cubs including Ryne Sandberg, Ron Cey, Gary Matthews, Keith Moreland, Leon Durham and Rick Sutcliffe won the first two games of the NL championship series at the best of five at Wrigley Field. But the Cubs lost the next two games to San Diego.
Chicago led 3-0 in game 5, then allowed two points in the sixth inning and four in the seventh in a 6-3 loss. They only reached the World Series in 2016, when they beat Cleveland in seven games.
Chicago dropped to 77-85 in 1985 and Frey was replaced by John Vukovich after starting 22-33 in 1986. His management record was 323-287, including 196-182 with the Cubs.
After spending 1987 as a commentator on the Cubs ‘radio broadcasts, he was hired as the Cubs’ general manager in December and recruited Zimmer as manager. Chicago won the division in 1989 to lose to San Francisco in the playoffs.
Frey’s movements included the signing of George Bell and Danny Jackson, the exchange of Lee Smith in Boston for Calvin Schiraldi and Al Nipper; handing over Keith Moreland to the Padres for Rich Gossage; and the sending of Rafael Palmeiro and Jamie Moyer to Texas for Mitch Williams.
Frey remained as general manager during the 1991 season, when he was replaced by Larry Himes after Frey’s power was eroded under team president Don Grenesko.
He became vice president of the Patriots, owned by a friend Steve Kalafer, and changed his role as an advisor over the next few years.
Frey is survived by his 68-year-old wife, former Joan Miller; son James; daughters Mary Maenner, Jennifer Stangl and Cindy Sullivan; six grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
A memorial will take place at a later date.
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