When 12-year-old Charlie Loverme began choking in his school cafeteria, twin sister Amelia sprang into action, performing the Heimlich maneuver and saving his life. Surveillance video...
Alex Murdaugh’s defense got a break in his double-murder trial after nearly two weeks of testimony called 14 witnesses, crime scene experts and the defendant’s brother,...
The bombing at the Manchester Arena in the UK in 2017 reported that the Salman Abedi bomb had to be identified as a security threat. Sir...
The brother of the Manchester Arena bombing has admitted for the first time that he had “a full and obvious part” in planning the suicide bombing...
CNN’s Brooke Baldwin sits with President Barack Obama’s Auma Obama’s step-sister and grandmother Sarah waiting for her trip to Kenya. . source
Hashem Abedi, a 55-year-old prisoner, is the brother of Manchester Arena bomber The brother of Manchester Arena bomber has been jailed for at least 55 years...
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