Lung injury worsens in weed smokers Regular Marijuana Smokers Worse A new study reveals that smokers have more lung damage than smokers alone. 93% when combined...
A scan of the lungs of cannabis users yielded surprising results. marijuana There appears to be a higher risk of lung damage than in solo smokers....
A recent report published by World Health Organization (WHO) Describes the first WHO Fungal Preferred Pathogen List (FPPL). This list ranks pathogens that cause acute systemic...
In a recent study posted on medRxiv* Preprint Server, Israeli researchers described a case of a patient with severe immunodeficiency cancer who developed a chronic severe...
If you have had difficulty breathing, there are moments of hypoxia-; lack of oxygen. Hypoxia can have long-term effects. In fact, doctors describe hypoxia as the...
New Delhi: In India, NCDs kill 6 million people each year, of which about 23 percent are between the ages of 30 and 70. Apollo hospital...
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