The Trump Administration in Guantanamo Bay, built in Cuba, emerging impacts does not meet standard arrests, air conditioning or electricity, because they know the US official...
Legislators and protesters were showing outside the Indian parliament after deportation of US 100 Indian migrants after deportation to the US country. Following the footage of...
The tent in Guantanamo Bay, when the lawyers and pentagues of the Aberrigintza department were still determining whether migrants who flew from the south-south border was...
Colombia has returned from the United States to the edge of harmful commercial war, achieving the agreement on the return of deported migrants in the military...
CNN Jim Acosta examines U.S. immigration and customs enforcement operations at the Chicago General Lawyer Kwame Raoul. #Cnn #news Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources...
Fidel Ambrocio CNN David Culver lived in the United States for almost 19 years before deporting Guatemal, due to the “punishment conviction”. #Cnn #news Sources 1/...
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