Research published in journals PNAS We have shown that the gut microbiota stabilizes the synchronization of circadian rhythms in the gut and brain. study: The microbiome...
Recent PNAS Studies have revealed that transient intestinal infection not only promotes white adipose tissue (WAT) expansion and host weight gain, but also optimizes host carbohydrate...
moreover”BMJ Gut microbiotaThe gut microbiota appears to play a role in inflammation-induced GDM pathogenesis, and interleukin-6 is thought to be a potential contributor to pathogenesis. “Several...
Studies show that trillions of microorganism it usually lives in us intestineknown as the gut microbiome, has far-reaching effects on how our bodies function. Members of...
In many cases, the cause of preterm birth is unknown, but analyzing metabolites in the vaginal microbiome could be a way to predict the risk of...
In a study of residual energy in the faeces of 85 Danes to estimate how effective gut microbes are in extracting energy from food, approximately 40%...
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