Boulder County, Colorado (CBS4) – The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is investigating plague activity, including fatal cases. The CDPHE Lab has confirmed reports...
La Plata County, Colorado. (CBS4)- The San Juan Department of Public Health and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment are investigating how residents of...
El Paso County, Colorado. (CBS4) – Colorado squirrels tested positive for plague last week. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment says it was in...
Denver-Colorado’s Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) confirmed last week that squirrels were tested positive for plague in El Paso County. CDPHE states that plague...
In the Middle Ages, Epidemic A series of outbreaks known as killed tens of millions in Europe Black death.. And while it is extremely rare today,...
tech2 news staffAugust 11, 2020 13:43:57 IS In the beginning of July, about four cases of glandular plague were reported and Mongolia was put on alert...
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