Kira Stoops lives in Bozeman, Montana—a beautiful mountain town where it sometimes feels like everyone regularly goes on 50-mile runs. Stoops, however, can’t walk around her...
September 2, 2022 – Many patients suffering from debilitation long covid If you have symptoms that interfere with your daily life, you may want to see...
Monkeypox disproportionately affects black men in North Carolina, but this group receives less than a quarter of the vaccinations, according to new data. A recent report...
In a recent article posted on medRxiv* Preprint Server, Norwegian and Swedish researchers have made medical complaints after the second and third SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with severe...
Young adolescents targeted for cyberbullying are more likely to report suicidal ideation and attempted suicide, and a link between suicidal ideation and traditional offline bullying, according...
After many years of patient recovery from covid, Dr. When I visited William Sawyer’s office, the conversation quickly changed from coronavirus to anxiety and ADHD. Sawyer...
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