patriotic 20 years ago, the deadliest natural disaster of the 21st century struck Tamil Nadu on December 26. In 2004, a massive earthquake struck the Indian...
An earthquake measuring 3.6 on the Richter scale was reported from Vellore, Tamil Nadu in the early hours of Monday, November 29. The National Center for...
New Delhi: A 3.6-magnitude earthquake rocked Vellore in Tamil Nadu on Monday morning. Magnitude 3.6 earthquake, occurred on 11-29-2021, 04:17:22 IST, latitude: 12.78 and long: 78.60,...
li > a.highlight, a.highlight{ background-color: #fff147; padding: 6px by 9px; left margin: -9px; right margin: -9px; color: #000000; } .meganizr > li > .highlight_text { color:...
Image source: FILE PHOTO / PTI Earthquake hits Tamil Nadu Highlights: A 3.6-magnitude earthquake shook Vellore, Tamil Nadu. According to the National Center for Seismology, the...
New Delhi: The National Center of Seismology reported that a 3.6-magnitude earthquake struck Vellore in Tamil Nadu on Monday morning (November 29, 2021). The quake occurred...
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