Exactly 12 years ago, peaceful demonstrations began in Syria, as people inspired by the Arab Spring movement in neighboring countries took to the streets to demand...
Others said they wanted to be part of a world where countries help each other. My country is prone to disasters. “If there are people in...
Lawyer Ahmet Candemir and dozens of other members of the Turkish Bar Association are trying to preserve evidence from the rubble of last month’s catastrophic earthquake...
JACKSONVILLE, FL — A month after two earthquakes killed more than 55,000 people in southeastern Turkey and northwest Syria, millions of people and pets displaced from...
Governor J.B. Sources 1/ https://Google.com/ 2/ https://foxillinois.com/newsletter-daily/medical-equipment-transfer-for-earthquake-recovery-in-kahramanmaras-region-in-turkey The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article
The earthquake in Turkey sparked a heated debate about corruption and poor governance in the country. At GZERO World, Ian Bremer speaks with David Miliband, President...
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