The Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay) hosted around 80 students from earthquake-affected areas at its youth camp in Çamkuru, Ankara. Since 1936, the Turkish Red Crescent continues...
The Turkish Red Crescent has completed the second phase of the Craftsmen Support Program, which started after the Kahramanmaraş earthquake. In order to heal the wounds...
Thailand donated more than $757,000 (Turkish lira 17.92 million) to the Turkish Red Crescent in the capital, Ankara, on Thursday to help victims of the devastating...
More than two months have passed since the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes caused massive destruction and loss of life in Turkey and Syria. The rubble removal and construction...
Three weeks after two devastating earthquakes caused massive destruction and mass deaths in Turkey and Syria, public anger and opposition to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s response...
The global network of the Red Cross and Red Crescent stands in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of people affected by the recent earthquake in...
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