Genshin Impact 2.1 release date, maintenance details, and benefits

Genshin Impact developer miHoYo updates the anime-inspired adventure game every 42 days, introducing new characters, story threads, and locations. Version 2.1 is one of the biggest updates to date and contains the conclusions of the Lightning Region story.
Genshin Impact Version 2.1 adds two islands to the lightning region, expanding the range of activities you can enjoy. It is also the first anniversary of Genshin Impact in version 2.1. You can expect some bonus goods to commemorate the opportunity.
It’s time to enjoy Genshin Impact Version 2.1.
When will Genshin Impact version 2.1 be released?
Genshin Impact version 2.1 will be available on August 31, 2021 after maintenance set to start at 6 pm in the east.
What time does maintenance for Genshin Impact version 2.1 end?
Maintenance lasts up to 5 hours and ends around 11:00 pm in the east.It may end early, but be prepared to wait until 11pm
Once the maintenance is complete, you can enjoy all the new additions to Genshin Impact version 2.1. This includes the addition of two new islands to the lightning area, Seirai and Watatsumi.
As soon as you start the patch, you’ll have access to the free 5-star character Alloy. Suppose your account is at least linked to your PlayStation. Yes, it’s exactly the same alloy found in Horizon Zero Dawn.
Raiden and KokomimiHoYo
You may have access to new playable characters like Shogun Raiden, a 5-star electropole arm user. She dominates the good old electro archon. Players of one denomination are very excited about her arrival. The shell will be joined by a new 4-star electrobow user, Sarah.
In addition, there is a new 5-star hydrohealer named Kokomi.
If your character doesn’t borrow your jam, there are also new domains, story elements, and collectibles. That whole new world is there.
What are the maintenance benefits of Genshin Impact version 2.1?
If you endure the drought of Genshin Impact, you will be rewarded with 300 primogems the next time you log on. It takes 30 days to claim this reward.
Can I preload the Genshin Impact version 2.1 update?
If the connection is on the slow side, it can be frustrating to endure a long download time before starting playback.
Fortunately, if you’re playing the game on your PC or mobile device, you can start preloading version 2.1 on Sunday, August 29th at 11:00 pm.
How to preload Genshin Impact version 2.1 update to your PC
To preload the update to your PC, you need to update the Genshin Impact launcher. After updating the launcher, a button called “Preinstall Game” will appear to the left of the “Launch” button. Click that button to start the file installation.
When version 2.1 arrives[更新]Simply click to install version 2.1 without any additional downloads. If the update preload cannot be completed before the release of version 2.1, the download will resume where it left off.
If you’re playing in the Epic Games Store, there’s no way to preload the next update until shortly before maintenance is complete.
How to preload Genshin Impact version 2.1 update to mobile
One preload menu for version 2.1 of GenshinImpact.miHoYo
For mobile players, there are two ways to preload Genshin Impact version 2.1. The first way is to enter the in-game settings menu, which is indicated by the gear icon.[その他]When you go to the tab[リソースパッケージのプレインストール]Button is displayed. This allows you to download the file early.
Alternatively, you can find a button with a small cloud icon in the login menu. With the click of a button, you will be able to preload some files.
Even after the update is released, you still need to visit the device’s app store to complete everything, which significantly reduces latency.
How to preload Genshin Impact version 2.1 update on PS4 and PS5
Genshin Impact version 2.1 cannot be preloaded if you are playing on either PS4 or PS5. If you are using the console, you will have to wait until just before maintenance is complete. Look for updates around 8 pm in the east.
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