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Review: Apple Watch Series 7


Apple, the world’s largest watch distributor, is back with a watch renewal.

The change to the latest version isn’t that big, but the device is one of the leaders in the smartwatch market.


In the design department, the surface of the Apple Watch hasn’t changed much.

It’s still a rectangle with dimensions similar to Series 6, with smooth curved edges that Apple claims to be sophisticated in this update.

You can choose from three materials for the case: recycled aluminum, polished stainless steel, and brushed titanium.

However, it remains lightweight and comfortable to wear.

There are 10 case colors, 5 of which are exclusive to Series 7. Midnight (black), starlight (silver gold), green, blue and red.

Combining this with a variety of new band colors gives you plenty of options to meet your style requirements.

The device features new IPX dust resistance and maintains a water resistance of 50m. It is only suitable for activities in shallow water such as swimming in the pool or the sea, not for water skiing, diving and other high speed hizing.

However, if you’re already familiar with the Apple Watch, you won’t notice a big difference in the appearance of the Series 7 when compared to previous versions.


The overall look may not have changed much, but the screen has changed.

The display is larger and measures from 30mm and 44mm in Series 6, 41mm for smaller versions and 45mm for larger watches.

Also, as a result of the redesign, the screen area has increased and the borders have become thinner.

According to Apple, this watch has its own “refractive edge”, and the user interface appears to be subtly folded at a 1.7mm wide border.

The result is a screen area that is 20% larger than the previous version of the Watch.

And it certainly feels a bit bigger than Series 6.

The second generation OLED Retina display remains very good. Bright (up to 1,000 knits), sharp and touch responsive.

With the addition of Ion-X glass to make the device more durable, Apple is the most crack-resistant front crystal ever mounted on a watch, with the thickest part of the series 6. Claims to be 50% thick.

Another positive change is that the always-on display is 70% brighter when you point your wrist down, making it easier to see what’s happening without having to lift your wrist straight up. ..


Series 7 is powered by Apple’s S7 64-bit dual-core processor.

The app opens and closes quickly and is unlikely to have hanging issues.

It has 32GB of onboard storage. That’s enough when people want to do more with their smartwatch, but probably not overly generous at this stage.

Due to chip efficiency and improved battery technology, the new watch manages battery life throughout the day, even as the display gets bigger and the list down becomes brighter.

And while power may last up to the second day with modest use, it rarely goes through that additional 24 hours completely without reaching for the charger.

Fortunately, however, the Watch Series 7 charges up to 33% faster than the Series 6 when used with the included magnetic charger (sold separately), and the device charges 0-80% in 45 minutes. (0-100% in 75 minutes).

If you are using an earlier version of the magnetic charger, you will not get that extra quick charge.

As with previous versions, the watch works with a mobile phone connection, so you can use it without a mobile phone or Wi-Fi connection.

But Apple still can’t say when the service will come to Ireland, or even if it will.


Other new features

The Series 7 user interface has been upgraded.

Designed to take full advantage of the large display, the changes make everything a little easier to read.

The buttons on the entire interface, such as the calculator and control center, have also become larger, making it easier to tap.

The larger the screen, the more text will fit in the message, making the message easier to read.

There’s also a new way to enter text, including the first full QWERTY keyboard on the Apple Watch.

It will take some getting used to, but with some practice, you can learn it along with clever machine learning to predict what you are trying to type.

Series 7 has several new watch faces. One is called the contour, where the numbers on the dial flow to the edges of the screen, but when you raise your wrist, they animate and magnify to emphasize the current time.

The other, called Modular Duo, contains two large high-data complications such as heart rate and weather.

Series 7 does not have a new physical health monitoring feature. Therefore, unlike Samsung’s equivalent function, it is not possible to check blood pressure.

However, all existing features such as blood oxygen sensor, ECG and heart rate monitor remain.

WatchOS 8, a new operating system, adds fall detection to cycling and all other training. This is useful if you accidentally fall while riding or running on a treadmill.

Activity tracking in Watch OS 8 is solid, but not spectacular, in a variety of sports and fitness, including today’s Tai Chi and Pilates.

Automatic cycling detection has also been added to the workout app, but the algorithm has been tweaked to allow you to more accurately calculate the calories burned on your bike.

However, the scope of training is not as extensive as found on more specialized sports smartwatches.

The Watch OS 8 Photos app has also been revamped, replacing the Breathe app with more feature-rich Mindfulness.


There are many reasons why Apple Watch Series 7 remains the market leader in the smartwatch category.

It still looks pretty unique, it has a great display, Watch OS 8 is a sophisticated operating system, and faster charging is a plus.

The lack of cellular connections in Ireland is still a drawback, but workouts are a bit more versatile and battery life isn’t completely acceptable, but it’s not noticeable.

The above new features make Watch Series 7 even more attractive. But in reality, if you already have a Series 6, it’s not enough to guarantee an upgrade.

Also, if you’re currently using an earlier version of your Watch and are considering an upgrade, purchasing a Series 6 could add even more value.

But if you want to buy an Apple Watch for the first time and can afford it (starting at € 429), you’re unlikely to be disappointed with the Watch Series 7.




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