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GTA 6 Release Date Updates: All Grand Theft Auto Leaks and Rumors Prior to PS5 and XSX Releases


December 11, 2014

TV actor Jorge Consejo posts SELPHY in motion capture suit on Instagram

“Is there anything I can say? # ButTheStudioWontLetMe

It’s a harmless detail in itself, but this might make sense further down…

March 28, 2016

Tech Radar reports that GTA 6 preparation work has begun.

The site’s sources couldn’t talk about where the game would be set up, but at one point suggested that Rockstar was considering setting up the game in Tokyo.

Perhaps Rockstar was seriously working on the idea of ​​a Tokyo-based GTA, but later abandoned plans to focus on titles set in and around the United States.

July 27, 2017

Stuntman Tim Nev’s online resume leaked, suggesting he worked on Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA VI.

Neff also posted some Instagram photos from the Rockstar San Diego office.

Neff later denied participation in the game, but has been credited to Red Dead Redemption 2 to date.

Neff’s CV also suggested he was working on GTA 6, but that was also rejected as a fake.

December 25, 2017

Jorge Consejo (instagram man) seems to have leaked his resume and is showing that he is working on GTA 6.

In his resume, he wrote: “Grand Theft Auto VI (CGI) 2018, Mexico (Special Feature), Rock Star Game.

This was first covered in the GTA Forum.

February 13, 2019

Jeronimo Barrera, Rockstar’s Vice President of Product Development, will retire 20 years later.

In a quote of passing on leaving Rockstar, Barrera states:

“If I were to stay at a rock star, I would have had more GTAs, more RDRs, and less else going on here.”

There is certainly nothing concrete, but it seems that these two brands are the clear focus of Rockstar Games and suggest a step forward.

April 18, 2019

A former Rockstar India employee mentions creating a GTA 5 and GTA 6 vehicle with Art Station resume and Linkedin.

A junior car artist says he has created “a concept car that matches the real world for GTA V DLC and future GTA VIs”.

May 21, 2019

Location Scout Lear Sokolovsky appeared on the Florida Florida podcast, suggesting that he works for a large company scouting Florida.

“As you know recently, the type of production has changed in our state, which has also basically allowed us to attract a large client to arrange site tours and visits. Is a digital media company and since we signed the NDA it is not possible to reveal who it is, but they have been investigating different parts of our state and other states in the South East. Arranging visits for the people was also a very interesting extension of what I usually do.”

The infamous rock star source @ Yan2295 seems to suggest that Scouts may actually be associated with GTA 6.

July 1, 2019

A long GTA 6 leak has appeared on Reddit and has been widely covered by most retailers.

The codename for GTA 6 is “Project Americas”, which suggests that four heroes will be introduced with story lines set for decades. The story reportedly corresponds to the rise of drug cartels and is set primarily in Vice City.

Here is the leak:

The next GTA title has been in development since 2012 and production wasn’t starting properly until 2015, but the team was still focused on Red Dead Redemption 2.

This is another Rockstar Worldwide production.

The code name is PROJECT AMERICAS.

Set in both Vice City and a new fictional location based in Rio de Janeiro.

Some linear missions take place in Liberty City, but it’s not an open world (think Ludendorff on GTA 5).

The game balances realism and arcade and is not as realistic as Red Dead Redemption 2.

One of the playable protagonists: a man, not a woman, despite the supposed leak.

Set in the 1970s-1980s.

You play as an up-and-coming aspiring drug lord who is named “Richard”. Another important character called Kacey is part of the story. You start on the growl running as a cocaine smuggler from Vice City to the new South American Continent, making connections with the ancient drug king and on the road. Multiple cities.

There is also a huge prison to join the game.

The same “chapter” system as Tarantino Flick and Red Dead Redemption 2 is used.

Weather is very important (hurricanes, floods, etc.).

Buildings change over time, and so do vehicles. Therefore, as the times go by, old and rare classic cars become more expensive. Perfect economy.

I’m strongly influenced by Narcos from Netflix.

They want to have an incredible 70s/80s soundtrack.

The young Martin Madraso appears like his father, then the opiate king. You will do several missions for the Madraso family, including attacking other gangs.

Drug Empire Building is a mechanism similar to Vice City Stories, but larger. Consider the GTA online system and dial it up to 10.

You can only have weapons on your person. There is no weapon in the back pocket like the Red Dead Redemption 2.

A personal ride looks like a Red Dead Redemption 2 horse saddle. All equipment is stored in the trunk. It also stores the car’s bulletproof vest. If you wear it, it will no longer be invisible, it will appear.

There will be a lot of subtitle reading. Consider the amount of highly immersive Max Payne 3 that you see in Narcos episodes. Do not expect to hear too much English whenever you are in South America. But Vice City is mostly mixed, but mostly in English.

The final part of the story covers topics such as HIV and the immigration crisis of the day. Fictitious versions such as Fidel Castro

Next generation only, not PS4 or Xbox One [aka PS5 and Xbox Project Scarlett]

Currently GTA 6 is their main focus and is lined up with another title, which may be Bully 2.

The game is still in pre-alpha so names, locations and details are subject to change and will probably change.

There is no ETA on the release date.

October 8, 2019

The reddit user claimed that the Location Scout was looking around him and asked for permission to take a picture of his building.

Following this is a photo of the allegedly documented document, including the business card of someone from Take Two, the company that owns Rockstar Games.

October 10, 2019

The Ruffian Games team in Scotland has begun to hire engineers to work on “Rockstar Games Unspecified Titles”

March 2020

Multiple sites will resume rumors again (for whatever reason) Jorge Consejo (also he) in March 2020. Again, it contains the same information that we are working on GTA 6 as a character called Mexico.

The rumor prompts a response from the actor who took him to Twitter:

“Dear Friend, I read all your messages, but please be aware that you may not be able to comment on a particular project due to contract terms.

It’s certainly not a denial…

April 15, 2020

In his last work on Kotak, renowned journalist Jason Schreier suggests that Grand Theft Auto 6 is in early development at Rockstar Games.

The work suggests that the company has a new way of thinking about employee overtime and stress, and the studio “starts with a reasonably sized release.” […] It will then be updated and expanded regularly over time. This can relieve stress and tension. “

In particular, Schreier believes the game is in development several years before its release. This is something that’s been heavily contested by the GTA community…

April 16, 2020

A prominent leakist in the GTA community has challenged Jason Schreier’s report, which claims the game is in early development.

Featured Leaker Yan2295 suggests that the game is likely to be “in the early stages of testing” rather than actually in the early stages of development.

“Despite what Jason said, GTA 6 is by no means still in its infancy,” Leaker added.

“I say it’s impossible. Unless they have a very strange definition of “early stage.” There’s probably early testing, but it’s not development.”

Similarly, TezFunz2 has also been added:

“Is the next title, the new GTA title, in the “early stage of development”?” As I’m listening, I can’t even believe it is “complete on the way” or beyond.

“Please note that the development of the RDR2 took about 8-7 years and the main production started shortly after the release and recording session of the RDR1 in 2013.”

June 11, 2020

It is announced that the PS5 public event of PlayStation will be held in GTA 5, which will appear on the next-generation console as part of the improved and expanded version of the game.

“Grand Theft Auto V for PlayStation 5 features various technical improvements, visual upgrades and performance enhancements to take full advantage of the console’s powerful new hardware, making the game ever more It’s more beautiful and responsive.”

The game will be released in late 2021.

June 12, 2020

Following the launch of GTA 5 for next-generation consoles, Jason Schreier (speaking on a triple-click podcast) outlined his views on the status of Rockstar’s upcoming open world title.

I think many people, especially enthusiastic GTA enthusiasts, know that GTA 6 was under development a bit early and said that it wouldn’t be released for a few years, so probably young people are distorted.

“I think the GTA 5 that will appear in the PS5 next year is proof of that. [and if that isn’t evidence of a later GTA 6 release] Then I don’t know what else.

“GTA 6 is right there. For example, until 2022, the end of 2023, you can’t expect the game. [that’s more realistic] For such a game.

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