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How Innovative Law Schools Close the Justice Gap

How Innovative Law Schools Close the Justice Gap


Law schools, nonprofits, and law schools that strive to bridge the judicial divide by joining law firms, nonprofits, and state bar associations are leveraging the talents of legal students to provide legal representation and free resources. developing, expanding access to justice, and improving access to law schools.

Bloomberg Law launched the first Law School Innovation Program to promote, recognize and connect law schools that are innovating in legal education and offering students new ways to learn law.

In addition to the overall finalists of the Law School Innovation Program, awards will also be given to the highest-scoring programs in six categories: Business, Experience, Law, Pedagogy, Student Development, and Technology.

Below is an alphabetical listing of the highest scoring law school programs that demonstrate innovation in the legal field, along with details about each.

Loyola University Chicago Law School

The Legislative and Policy Clinic, offered by Loyola University Chicago School of Law, understands the legislative process and often advances social justice for its clients by leading policy and legislation development, analysis, advocacy, and project implementation. Provide students with learning opportunities and means to achieve.

Students attending the clinic criticize laws, assess legislative problems, investigate problems, propose solutions, examine the potential unbalanced or unfair effects of various decisions, and examine materials. Develop skills in drafting and presenting information verbally.

Anita Weinberg, director of the Legislative and Policy Clinic and co-director of the university’s Civitas ChildLaw Center, says students can be instruments of change. Clinics provide students with the opportunity to think critically about whether the law is effective, fair, and sufficient, and whether there are better ways than the legal system to address the problems they face. To do.

Roger Williams University School of Law

The Race and Fundamentals of American Law course offered by Roger Williams University Law School is part of the required curriculum, requiring students to delve deeply into identity, historical injustice, and injustice.

This course explores current issues, the historical origins of racial hierarchies, and ways to help students dismantle racial inequalities through anti-racist advocacy, critical race theory, and more. I will explain.

The required 3-credit course focuses on the foundations of American law and how racial hierarchies and privileges are codified, reinforced, and status quo. Learn to focus on social justice and oppression.

Southern University Law Center

The Southern University Law Center Academy of Urban Law, Technology and Research (ULTRA) has three synergistic priorities: teaching, entrepreneurship and research. The program combines the impact of technology with an entrepreneurial spirit to help address legal issues in the city, especially those that African Americans face in the criminal justice system after first contact. Racial profiling by law enforcement officers, stigma from convictions, and mass incarceration from racially segregated plea bargains. , and the opioid epidemic.

[L]Principal John Pierre said schools often fail to teach that law is not synonymous with justice, but rather a tool to achieve it. Laws can violate the tenets of equality and fairness that define justice, especially when they fail to protect marginalized groups.

According to Pierre, the Southern University Law Center created ULTRA to give law students tools beyond the knowledge of the law itself to address urban legal issues facing vulnerable communities in America, particularly We made it solvable through innovations related to crime and social justice.

Southwestern Law School

Southwestern Law School has developed an evidence-based tool to more fully and meaningfully assess the potential of law school applicants.

This approach, as described in the forthcoming Law Review article More than the Numbers: Empirical Evidence of an Innovative Approach to Admissions, uses interview tools to develop interview tools for assessing law school potential. We are hiring. A scalable toolkit can lead to practice readiness and improve diversity outcomes as well. This project has produced early indicators of reliability and effectiveness – tools that can be used with confidence in the admissions process.

For years, there has been widespread criticism of law school’s admissions practices, particularly its overreliance on the LSAT, but nothing has materialized, say Natalie Rodriguez and Anahid, associate deans who co-authored the Law Review article. Vice Dean Galakanian said. Southwestern Law School has approached this narrow and exclusive approach by drawing on meaningful factors that go beyond typical metrics.

University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

Located at the University of Arizona’s James E. Rogers College of Law and the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business, Innovation for Justice applies design thinking and systems thinking methodologies to engage students in project-based, community-engaging learning. Students will work with real-life experts from people in their communities solving common legal problems such as evictions, debt collection, and domestic violence, as well as other diverse stakeholders, to develop a better understanding of the justice system. Understand existing imbalances. The program encourages students to validate their assumptions, creatively solve problems, test new ideas, embrace and learn from failure, iterate and co-create solutions, and engage in data-driven decision making. It aims to make it possible.

According to Stacy Butler, director of Innovation for Justice, 92% of members of low-income communities have poor or no legal assistance.

Innovations for Justice trains students to lead with empathy, expose them to the reality of the justice gap, and empower them to unlock change in the system, Bruter said. [S]Students also learn extensive collaboration skills working with students from multiple disciplines, community partners, and experienced professionals.

University of Utah SJ Queenie College of Law

In the Creative Advocacy Lab at the University of Utah SJ Queenie College of Law, students apply user experience research and design methodologies to help narrow the justice gap by co-creating legal resources with local advocates. is part of The program enables students to engage with their communities, use their creative communication skills, and make legal information more accessible.

Visiting Associate Professor Harry J. Pope believes transformative justice is rising from the bottom, and says law students can play an important supporting role in that transformation.

Current law students will be in jobs that tackle the widening justice gap and deepening economic and social inequalities, Pope said. Through the Creative Advocacy Lab, students can explain legal concepts in plain language, work with lawyers and non-lawyers, engage with design thinking as a problem-solving tool, and visually develop complex information skills that can be applied to virtually any work environment. Learn how to tell

Widener University Delaware Law School

The Dignity Law Program at Widener University Delaware Law School is a unique law school initiative designed and implemented to advance human dignity before the law.

The program features a dignity law institute and includes a dignity law clinic, several courses on dignity law, a human rights colloquium, a dignity rights workshop, and a dignity law visiting scholar and speaker series. It is also home to the world’s first casebook of human dignity law.

About 170 countries recognize the right to human dignity. The global legal library is deep and broad and has been applied to contexts such as education, reproductive rights and the environment. But James May, Distinguished Professor of Law and co-founder of the Rights to Human Dignity program, says that U.S. law rarely recognizes the legal aspects of human dignity, and that there is a need for action and application both in and out of the classroom. said to have urged This program opens students’ ears (and hearts) to the role of kindness, mindfulness, and compassion in the practice of law anytime, anywhere.

Previous articles in this series: Francis Boustanys’ January 17 article unveiled the top 10 overall innovations for law school innovation programs, and January 25 article details each finalist overall. was shown.

Bloomberg Law subscribers can find related content on the Law School Innovation Program page.

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