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Google Cloud expands AI offerings with new tools, programs and partnerships

Google Cloud expands AI offerings with new tools, programs and partnerships


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Google Cloud is taking another big step forward in generative AI with a number of new tools, services and programs announced today aimed at helping businesses adopt and use emerging technologies.

This effort includes expanded access to Google’s generative AI products such as Vertex AI and Duet AI, new educational programs and consulting services, blueprints for specific use cases, and partnerships with companies such as DataStax, Neo4j, Twilio and Typeface. Expanding partnerships included.

The company announced that it will make the Vertex AI platform more widely available, providing access to over 60 machine learning models that can generate images, translate between languages, summarize text, and more. Also announced new consulting services to help companies deploy generative AI and activation packages with sample AI applications for tasks such as increasing developer efficiency and speeding up content creation in marketing departments Did.

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Google’s recent commitment to generative AI for business users comes as interest and adoption of the technology grows. Tools such as the company’s language model PaLM 2 can generate paragraphs of consistent text, and image generation software Imagen allows users to create photorealistic images from scratch. However, developing and deploying these complex AI systems requires significant expertise and resources, which Google aims to provide through cloud services and partnerships.

Google Cloud’s generative AI goes live

Vertex AI, Google’s machine learning platform, now fully supports the development and deployment of generative AI systems according to customer needs. Its Model Garden feature provides access to over 60 pre-trained AI models from Google and its partners to translate between languages, summarize blocks of text, generate photorealistic images from descriptions, and more. can be done.

Google believes its cloud services and partnerships can provide the expertise and resources mainstream companies need to benefit from generative AI. The new availability of generative models and tools in Vertex AI demonstrates the expanding role of artificial intelligence in office software and business automation.

A new product called Generative AI Studio provides tools for customizing, improving, and managing AI models in production. It aims to give companies greater control and oversight of AI systems that directly impact their operations and customers.

Google also announced that the enterprise version of its office productivity suite, Duet AI for Google Workspace, is now available for pre-order after months of testing. Duet AI uses generative models and other AI across Google’s collaboration apps to help with tasks like writing documents, creating data visualizations, and increasing meeting productivity.

The announcement highlights Google’s broader strategy to bring artificial intelligence across its software and services for enterprise customers. By incorporating AI into its platform for software development, marketing content creation, and office productivity, Google sees an opportunity to further drive enterprise use of its cloud technology.

New AI consulting and education services

The company’s professional services group, Google Cloud Consulting, has also launched several free learning programs covering generative AI for executives, software developers, and Google Cloud customers. He also introduced four new consulting services focused on automating searches, summarizing documents, streamlining business processes, and deploying generative AI for personalized content generation.

This consultancy demonstrates that even as Google makes its powerful AI systems more widely available, many businesses still need practical guidance and support to reap the full benefits of the technology. suggests that there are Generative models in particular often need to be fine-tuned for specific customer needs and use cases. The learning program aims to build extensive knowledge of generative AI and machine learning, as well as knowledge for strategic business applications.

Additionally, Google is the first to demonstrate how generative AI can be applied to tasks such as increasing software engineering productivity, accelerating marketing content creation, and improving customer experience in industries such as finance, retail, healthcare, and media. released a series of blueprints for They provide a starting point for companies to build customized AI solutions, with advice from Google and our consulting partners.

The announcement highlights Google’s ambition to accelerate enterprise adoption of advanced and complex AI systems through its cloud business. Google sees an opportunity to further compete with top cloud rivals such as Amazon and Microsoft by providing both technical and human resources to help companies adopt machine learning for their strategic needs. thinking about.

Traditional companies looking to use new technologies often face the challenge of finding and building in-house expertise. Google’s move shows that its cloud business, which generated $26.28 billion in revenue last year, aims to provide not only access to AI and other technologies, but also guidance on how to deploy them. suggesting.

Google Cloud Expands AI Ecosystem Partnerships

Google also announced the expansion of several significant partnerships, highlighting its strategy to advance the use of enterprise AI through collaboration rather than competition.

More than 150,000 people will be trained on Google’s AI platform and tools, particularly generative models for tasks such as generating images and summarizing text, according to Google, in partnership with consulting firms such as Deloitte and Capgemini. It is said that

The company also released new activation packages that provide templates for common AI applications, such as improving search within an organization or accelerating marketing content creation. Google’s consulting division offers services that help companies apply AI to uncover data patterns, summarize information, streamline business processes, and generate personalized content for customers. .

The announcement demonstrates Google’s belief that partnerships and expertise from outside companies will drive greater use of AI in traditional enterprises. Working with leading consultancies and technology providers allows Google to reach new industries. Deployment partnerships also aim to demonstrate practical use cases for Google AI systems for enterprise customers.

The focus on partnerships and customer alliances follows the strategy of Google’s largest cloud competitors Amazon and Microsoft, which have built their own large specialized services groups to facilitate enterprise deals and technology adoption. In contrast to Working with external companies allows Google to bring its expertise to new industries and use cases without building knowledge in-house. This approach also allows Google to promote its AI and cloud services to large enterprise customers.

Still, Google continues to invest in expanding its own cloud consulting practice. The group currently has thousands of employees working with customers to integrate Google technologies, highlighting the combination of internal and external resources the company intends to provide for in-house AI adoption. I’m here. The latest announcements suggest that blending could be an advantage as complex tools like machine learning become more widely available.

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