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EA to lay off over 600 people, 5% of its workforce

EA to lay off over 600 people, 5% of its workforce



Electronic Arts laid off 5% of its workforce, becoming the latest video game company to cut jobs in the first quarter of this year.

“The Sims” and “Madden” maker EA reported employing 13,400 people in its latest annual SEC filing, with the layoffs affecting about 670 jobs. will be given.

In addition to these job cuts, EA will cease development on certain titles, including a Star Wars first-person shooter game that is in early stages of development at studio Respawn. The cuts will also impact Batfield Studios and EA's mobile game work.

“As a company full of creators and storytellers, we believe in the value of teams innovating together and growing our global community,” EA CEO Andrew Wilson said in a note Wednesday. “We continue to learn and adopt new ways to work together to better serve our customers.” “We continue to optimize our real estate footprint around the world to best support our business, taking into account how and where we work.”

He continued: “We are also retiring games and moving away from the development of future licensed IP that we do not believe will be successful in a changing industry. With this greater focus, we are driving creativity, accelerating innovation and We're doubling down on our biggest opportunities, including IP, sports, and a massive online community, to give players the entertainment they want now and in the future.Finally, we're streamlining our company operations and building our community. “We provide fans around the world with deeper, more connected experiences that shape culture and expand fandom.”

Wilson said that “not every team is affected” across EA, and that management is “deeply considering all options to limit the impact” on each division. EA had already begun notifying affected employees as of Wednesday, and Wilson said that step would be “mostly complete by the beginning of next quarter.”

EA's layoff announcement follows layoffs at fellow video game companies including Sony's PlayStation, Microsoft Gaming, Riot Games and Epic Games.

Read Wilson's full letter below.


We aim to entertain and inspire more people than ever before, with more content and deeper experiences. Last year, we further empowered our creative leaders to deliver on our strategic priorities of entertaining our massive online community, telling blockbuster stories, and harnessing the power of communities in and around our games. The company was organized to give These efforts have enabled us to build bigger and bolder experiences for hundreds of millions of players and fans around the world.

We are also leading an accelerating industry transformation where player needs and motivations are changing significantly. Fans are increasingly interested in our biggest IPs and are looking to us for a wide range of experiences that allow them to play, watch, create content and forge deeper connections. Our industry is at the cutting edge of entertainment, and in today's dynamic environment, we continue to evolve the way we work and evolve our business.

As a company full of creators and storytellers, we believe in the value of teams innovating together, and we continue to learn and adopt new ways to collaborate to grow and serve our global community. Considering how and where we work, we continue to optimize our real estate footprint around the world to best support our business. We're also retiring games and moving away from developing future licensed IP that we don't believe will be successful in a changing industry. This greater focus allows us to drive creativity, accelerate innovation, and double down on our greatest opportunities, including owned IP, sports, and a massive online community to deliver the entertainment our players demand now and in the future. It will look like this. Finally, we streamline company operations and deliver deeper, more connected experiences for fans around the world that build community, shape culture, and grow fandom.

In this era of change, these decisions are expected to impact approximately 5% of the workforce. I know this has brought uncertainty and challenges for many people who have worked with dedication and passion and made important contributions to our company. While not all teams will be affected, this is the most difficult part of these changes and we have deeply considered all options to limit the impact on our teams. Our main goal is to provide team members with opportunities to find their way into new roles and other projects. Even when this is not possible, we will support and collaborate with each colleague with the utmost care, consideration and respect. Communication of these impacts has already begun and is expected to be substantially complete by the beginning of next quarter.

We'd like to thank everyone who has contributed to EA's ongoing story. We are a team focused on our values ​​to lead the future of entertainment, and we look forward to seeing what we create together. Thank you for your efforts.





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