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SEW opens global energy tech AI innovation hub in Noida, India, delivering major leap forward in AI growth and expansion

SEW opens global energy tech AI innovation hub in Noida, India, delivering major leap forward in AI growth and expansion


Celebrating the Yudobabu of humans and artificial intelligence and their passion to transform the world's energy and water industries

NOIDA, India–(BUSINESS WIRE)–SEW, the global leader in energy and water AI cloud platforms, is proud to announce the opening of its Global Energy Tech AI Innovation Hub in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. . This milestone marks a major step forward in scaling the business and demonstrates his SEW commitment to leveraging AI to drive innovation in energy efficiency, sustainability, e-mobility and digital transformation.

Focused on customer experience (CX) and workforce experience (WX) innovation in energy and utilities, SEW's innovative cloud platform leverages AI, ML, and IoT analytics to power energy and utilities across the globe. Support water providers. The new SEW Tech AI and Innovation Hub will serve as a center for research, product development, engineering and collaboration to drive the next wave of technological advances in energy management, water conservation and e-mobility.

Reflecting on SEW's journey so far, Deepak Garg, CEO and Founder of SEW, added: To date, SEW with its digital platform has connected more than 1.2 billion people and enabled his almost unimaginable ideas more than a decade ago on energy and water security. ”

“At the SEW Energy Tech AI and Innovation Hub in Noida, SEW is not only innovating, enhancing and developing AI products, but also shaping the future of sustainable, clean and affordable energy and water management. .Through deep vertical integration of AI and digital platforms, SEW is pioneering an AI platform that positively impacts the environment and empowers communities around the world.This hub represents SEW's commitment to AI innovation and collaboration. represents an important milestone in SEW's journey towards a bright future, with great growth potential and a firm dedication to creating an innovative AI platform. We are confident that the ground-breaking work being undertaken here will bring transformative changes to the industry and propel us into a world of limitless possibilities,” said Manoj, former Country Head of SoftBank India.・Kohli said.

SEW Energy Tech AI and Innovation Hub will be a key growth driver and create an ecosystem that fosters innovation in the global energy and water industry. The purpose is to:

Expansion in India: SEW aims to expand its operations in India and APAC to drive growth in the energy, water and e-mobility sectors. Global Energy Tech AI and Innovation Hub: Establishing a state-of-the-art hub in Noida to drive innovation in energy efficiency, grid management and water conservation through AI and digital technologies. Global charger and battery manufacturing facility: In line with India's push towards electric mobility, SEW establishes global charger and battery manufacturing facility, creating high-value technology manufacturing jobs in Noida I plan to. Promoting global investment: SEW aims to attract global investment to Uttar Pradesh and India by showcasing the region's potential and his SEW's successful track record in the energy and utilities sector. That's what I'm aiming for.

Our main objective is to expand our business operations in India and explore investment avenues by leveraging our expertise in building AI digital platforms for the energy, water and e-mobility sectors. This expansion will drive significant growth for Uttar Pradesh, creating thousands of technology and related workforce jobs with over 10,000 core investments over the next few years, and generating over USD 1 trillion over the next few years. It is planned to achieve a state economy of. “The SEW AI Hub will be a great catalyst to push the state's GDP to the top with millions of technology jobs and make UP the number one energy technology AI center of excellence,” he said. said his CEO and founder Deepak Garg.

The Energy Tech AI and Innovation Hub is designed and built to reflect the company's values ​​and culture. Featuring open areas and well-organized walkways, the hub's spacious layout is strategically planned to encourage interaction and teamwork among employees. These expansive spaces not only foster communication, but the spontaneous discussions and idea-sharing sessions that are essential to moving innovation forward.

The hub's modern, sleek design aims to evoke a sense of energy and dynamism, encouraging teams to push boundaries and think outside the box. By creating a visually stimulating and comfortable environment, SEW aims to inspire creativity and allow individuals to explore new ideas without constraints.

In essence, Tech AI and Innovation Hubs act not only as workspaces, but also as embodiments of a company's culture, values, and aspirations.

Looking to the future, SEW remains committed to expanding its reach and impact, with a vision to connect more than 4 billion people by 2027. The company, which currently employs more than 1,500 people, is expanding its team and hiring across its divisions. We are talented individuals who share our passion for sharing the future of energy and water with digital AI platforms.

SEW's Energy Tech AI Innovation Hub in Noida will be all about innovation and driving transformative advances in the energy and water industries. Through the integration of cutting-edge AI and digital platforms, the hub will be a catalyst to redefine product development, engineering, and delivery of platforms that optimize energy use, enhance water conservation, and promote environmental sustainability. . With a focus on collaborative ideation, agile development methodologies, and seamless delivery, the hub will usher in a new era of innovation, help businesses and communities meet sustainability goals, and help the world's energy, water and , aims to enable redefining the e-mobility industry.

SEW is also expanding its presence in southern India with new offices in Bangalore and Mysore. These new locations and state-of-the-art offices provide access to talent and complement the company's growth and ambitions.

About SEW

SEW AI Platform provides an innovative Digital Customer Experience (CX) + Workforce Experience (WX) + Intelligent Experience (iX) cloud platform to the energy and utilities industry, helping billions of people save energy and water. Engage, empower and educate people. We partner with industry to deliver an AI platform that is easy to use, seamlessly integrates, and helps build a strong, future-ready technology foundation. Click here for details:

Mashal Dhawan SEW President
[email protected]

Source: SEW




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