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Fax machines and fine porcelain tell the story of the survival of old technology | American Enterprise Institute

Fax machines and fine porcelain tell the story of the survival of old technology | American Enterprise Institute


The history of technology is a story of innovation, advancing the frontiers of human capabilities. But it's also a story of unexpected persistence. For example, fax machines may seem like an antiquated piece of communication technology from the late 20th century. (So ​​if you want to get a laugh at a 1990s movie, check out the Blockbuster Video Store or the fax machine.) Still, many medical institutions and law firms still send documents by fax. , it is well known that fax machines remain an important part of the office. Japanese technology.

Or consider the example of Maruwa, a Japanese ceramics manufacturer with a nearly 200-year history that traces back to a family of artisans from the Edo period. The Financial Times reports that Goldman Sachs has just begun reporting on the stock, and that it will soon attract attention from other investment firms. From FT:

They are excited about how Maruwa has managed to transfer its traditional craftsmanship to modern ceramic components. Once famous for its gourmet dishes used at traditional Japanese banquets, the company first entered the business at the beginning of Japan's economic miracle era in the 1960s. The division produces ceramics for circuit boards and semiconductors, and for heat dissipation in electronic equipment that operates at very high temperatures, such as those common in AI server farms and the all-important inverter power modules in electric vehicles. We specialize in the materials used.

financial times

And this from GS:

The company's heat dissipation boards play an important role in the currently rapidly growing AI/general purpose server and xEV fields, preventing sudden temperature rises, maintaining component performance, protecting against damage, and increasing the overall system energy consumption. Contributes to ensuring efficiency/performance. .

Maruwa's story is reminiscent of his 2008 book, The Shock of the Old: Technology and World History since 1900. Historian David Edgerton argues that traditional understandings of technological progress and innovation are often wrong and incomplete. The history of technology should not only focus on the invention and introduction of new technologies, but also the continued use and importance of older, established technologies such as the fax machine. Or: For example, even in the age of text messages and emails, letters are still written. Edgerton writes:

Considering the history of the technologies in use allows us to view technology, and even inventions and innovations, in a fundamentally different way. An invisible world of technology appears. It leads to a rethinking of the concept of technological time, which maps directly onto innovation-based timelines. More importantly, it will change our perception of what has been the most important technology. Although it produces a global history, innovation-centered history, despite its claims to universality, is based in a very small number of places. It would give us a history that does not fit into the usual schema of modernity, one that denies some key assumptions of innovation-centered explanations.

In the case of Maruwa, we have a company with a long history in the field of traditional ceramics, which has adapted its expertise to the demands of the modern economy. We leveraged two centuries of accumulated knowledge and processes to create essential components for cutting-edge technology. And, as Edgerton might point out, this success story challenges the idea that technological progress always comes from the invention of new technologies. Rather, it shows how the adaptation and application of older technologies can play an important role in the advancement of current technologies.

Let's think about that. While it may seem like AI could create an economy that evolves so rapidly that it defies analysis and understanding, the history of technology tells us that AI's impact on the economy will be limited by some expectations. and that it may not be as rapid or destructive as some people fear. For better or worse, older technologies can provide a degree of stability and continuity and continue to play a surprisingly durable role. ”




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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