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Lehigh Downs Navy 12-8 in Patriot League Semifinals, Advances to Patriot League Championship

Lehigh Downs Navy 12-8 in Patriot League Semifinals, Advances to Patriot League Championship


WEST POINT NY – Second-seeded Lehigh men's lacrosse used a 6-0 second-half run to help the Mountain Hawks to a 12-8 win over No. 3 seed Navy in a Patriot League semifinal Friday night at Michie Stadium . The Mountain Hawks will play fourth-seeded Boston University on Sunday in the Patriot League Championship. Game time is set for 12:00 PM and will air on CBS Network.

While Lehigh advanced to the Patriot League Championship in 2021, it was canceled due to COVID-19 protocols, so Sunday will mark its first Patriot League Championship appearance since 2019, when the Mountain Hawks faced Army.

“The guys stuck to the game plan,” head coach Will Scudder said. “They played a very tough game. I am proud of their effort, but I want to give all the credit to Navy. I think this is a very strong team and a very tough senior class. I am happy and proud of their effort. “

Friday's match featured six lead changes and five draws, but the difference would come in the second half.

Lehigh had a 5-4 lead at halftime. After a scoring drought from both teams, the Midshipmen tied the score at five with 6:38 left in the third quarter. Dakota Eierman responded 50 seconds later to put the Mountain Hawks up 6-5, and Lehigh would remain in control for the rest of the game. Lehigh held Navy's offense scoreless for 15 minutes through the third and fourth quarters.

Part of that was due to the second defender Richard Checo, who wreaked havoc on Navy's offense, recording eight, caused turnovers, tying an NCAA single-game record. Checo also picked up a game-high eight ground balls.

“We're trying to put him in a position to be the best version of himself,” Scudder said. “We were mixing zone and man, and we really worked with him on the zone this week to try to do things a little bit differently. I thought he executed it really well, so I was proud of him.”

John Schofield (1CT) and Giovanni Procaccini (1CT), the other two had generated turnovers for Lehigh.

Nine different players booked on Friday led by Scott Cole, who finished with a team-high four points (3G, 1A). Cole also tied Mark Duncan '98 and Dan Taylor '15 for most goals in program history (128). Dakota Eierman (2G, 1A), Quinn Armstrong (2G, 1A), Grant Rodny (2G), Andrew Kelly (1G, 1A), Hunter Polonkey (1G) and Peter Theodoropoulos (1G) all goals recorded for the Mountain Hawks.

Sean Dow gave Lehigh the possession advantage by going 13 of 24 from the stripe while picking up seven ground balls. Navy's Zach Hayashi won 11 of 22 attempts on the “x” faceoff. Lehigh had a 31-28 advantage in shots and a 29-26 edge in ground balls.

“Faceoff and wing play were the difference,” Scudder said. ” Sean Dow really turned it around in the second half of the season, and I'm really proud of him and the rope unit. I felt like this could set us up for a run.”

Nick Pecora finished with a game-high 10 saves. Pecora came up big in the first quarter, making five of his 10 saves in the first 15 minutes of action. Navy goalie Dan Daly finished with seven saves.
Henry Tolker led the way for Navy with three goals.

Friday's match featured a total of 11 penalties. Lehigh went 3-for-4 on extra-man opportunities, while the Midshipmen went 4-for-7 on extra-man opportunities.
The Mountain Hawks enter Sunday's championship game at 9-6 overall after winning five straight games.




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