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Hstoday DHS CPB awards $450 million to Indev for emerging technology services

Hstoday DHS CPB awards $450 million to Indev for emerging technology services


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has awarded Indev a small business (ESB) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) contract in the Emerging Technology Area. This five-year, $450 million company-wide substantive agreement places Indev at the forefront of CBP's efforts to achieve its mission and business objectives through advanced innovation and digital transformation services.

Under this new agreement, Indev will strengthen CBP by enhancing its technology ecosystem with a wide range of cutting-edge services. These include digital transformation, software development, artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), robotic process automation (RPA), cybersecurity and privacy, cognitive services such as translation and chatbots, IoT integration, biometrics, and blocking. Includes chain technology. This comprehensive suite of services is designed to streamline processes and increase the efficiency of his CBP operations across all components.

Charlie Inman, Indev's partner for DHS and civilian programs, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership. Because CBP prefers small business contracts for emerging technology-related services, we were able to leverage his proven service delivery reputation across DHS to help CBP modernize his ecosystem of technologies. “I'm very excited about it,” he said. He said. The ESB is CBPa's first major contract award and is a recognition that our dedication to the DHS mission resonates with our customers. ”

Indev's commitment to DHS and CBP is further underscored by the depth of experience its team brings. Many of Indev's staff members have a long history of supporting CBP's critical missions and are eager to return to their roots, bringing a passion for the role and a deep understanding of the agency's needs.

Inman added that he is grateful to CBP for entrusting the company's small businesses with the provision of the highest quality emerging technology services, based on the company's mantra of “innovation and delivery.” This contract marks a significant milestone for Indev in securing his first prime contract with CBP, as well as increasing the company's influence and leadership in delivering next-generation technology solutions that enhance federal operations. We also emphasize that we are doing

This strategic partnership between Indev and CBP will begin a transformative era of technological advancement, in line with CBP's long-term goal of enhancing security, efficiency, and overall effectiveness through digital innovation. As this collaboration evolves, it promises to establish a new benchmark in the integration of emerging technologies in federal law enforcement and border protection services.

Matt Seldon, BSc, is an editor at HSToday. He has over 20 years of experience in writing, social media, and analysis. Matt holds a degree in Computer Studies from the University of South Wales, UK. His diverse work experience includes positions in the Department for Work and Pensions and various responsibilities in various companies in the private sector. Since first entering the workforce, he has written and edited various blogs and online content for promotional and educational purposes. Throughout his career, Matt has run a variety of promotional and educational-themed social media campaigns on platforms such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and LinkedIn. His educational campaigns focus on topics such as philanthropic volunteerism in the public sector and personal financial goals.




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