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Amnesty has accused Britain of deliberately destabilizing human rights globally | Human rights

Amnesty has accused Britain of deliberately destabilizing human rights globally |  Human rights


Amnesty International has accused the UK of deliberately destabilizing human rights on the world stage for its own political purposes.

In its annual global report published today, the organization said the UK was undermining human rights protections both nationally and globally, amid a near collapse of international law.

Sacha Deshmukh, Secretary General of Amnesty International UK, said the UK was deliberately destabilizing the entire concept of universal human rights through its appalling domestic policies and political actions.

The Amnesty report said the UK had breached its international human rights commitments and scaled back protections at a particularly dangerous time in world history, as the government joined protesters in pursuing policies that targeted asylum seekers and other migrants. It said the new law further undermined freedom of assembly and expression.

Amnesty said the UK's illegal migration law and the government's rhetoric surrounding it conflict with the UN Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights. By suspending refugee protection, the government effectively halted universal application of human rights. Both said excluding protection would be contrary to universal principles of human rights.

The report also specifically criticized the UK for failing to take a leadership role within the United Nations to prevent human rights abuses in Gaza and its weak support for an International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation into human rights abuses in Israel and Palestine. It also highlights British involvement in arming Israel.

Deshmukh said of Israel: We have very deep concerns about the UK's practices in supplying weapons and critical components for them. He said about 15% of the completed F-35 fighter jets used by Israel are likely to contain British parts.

Deshmukh said there was no doubt Britain would be judged harshly by history for failing to help stop the massacre of civilians in Gaza.

The report also criticizes Israel's allies more broadly for failing to prevent unspeakable civilian bloodshed in Gaza. In a stark warning to world leaders, the group said the world was reaping dire consequences from escalating conflicts and a near-collapse of international law.

Amnesty International Secretary-General Agns Callamard said this, citing developments in international law and the protection of civilians since the Second World War: In 2023, we plunge back into a future we did not want, a future we were never promised to have again.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Israel last week. Amnesty has criticized Britain's double standards in Gaza. Photo: UPI/Rex

The 418-page report states that the United States has paralyzed the UN Security Council by using its veto power to block passage of a much-needed resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza for months, while at the same time ensuring that the United States continues to arm Israel with weapons that can be used to commit certain things. Point out if it exists. It constitutes a war crime.

Amnesty highlights the bizarre double standard in which Western powers, including the UK and Germany, continue to protect and reinforce Israel's actions despite their well-founded protests against the war crimes of Russia and Hamas.

The report paints a bleak picture of the human rights situation around the world and warns that the rapid development of artificial intelligence is likely to accelerate the collapse of the rule of law. This, combined with the dominance of big tech companies, risks supercharging humanity. When regulations continue to lag behind technological advancements, rights violations occur.

A woman stands in front of her conflict-torn home in Ukro, Ethiopia. Amnesty exposes how Facebook's algorithms fueled violence in Tigray. Photo: Eduardo Soteras/AFP/Getty

In addition to blatant rule violations during the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, more and more conflict and human rights abuses are being seen in Sudan, where civil wars have killed nearly 15,000 people, and in Ethiopia and Myanmar, where more than 1,000 have been killed. The number of civilians killed in conflict in 2023 is a major factor in the worsening global level of protection for civilians.

Neither Myanmar's military, which has received help from China, nor Russian authorities have agreed to investigate reports of violations.

At a press conference to launch the report, Callamard said: “When those in power ignore the rule of law, the shield of law is weakened. A strong state itself [to be] Above the law, betraying the law becomes the response of more and more people.

An Amnesty report found that attacks against women, LGBTQ+ people and marginalized communities are on the rise for political or electoral gain.

Amid growing opposition to regulation of big tech companies in a landmark year with elections around the world, he predicted that technological advances such as spyware and facial recognition could be weaponized for discrimination and disinformation. For example, Amnesty exposed how Facebook's algorithms contributed to ethnic-based violence during the conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray region.

He also expressed deep concern about Rwanda's plans to send asylum seekers to the African country after a bill passed parliamentary stages earlier this week that would preclude courts from being able to scrutinize matters raised.

History will look back and say that we have helped governments with authoritarian regimes and others who want to avoid the rule of law. Deshmukh said. This is very worrying and the impact could be felt for years to come.

Callamard said: Amnesty International's report paints a grim picture of alarming human rights abuses and widespread rule-breaking amid rising global inequality, superpowers jockeying for supremacy and the deepening climate crisis.




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