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Cheetos taps NBA star Jamal Murray in humorous campaign

Cheetos taps NBA star Jamal Murray in humorous campaign


Frito-Lay brand Cheetos is launching a brand new campaign to celebrate the fact that most customers eat Cheetos with their dominant hand.

The Cheetos Other Hand campaign highlights the havoc that can ensue when people continue to eat Cheetos with their main hand while trying to do other things with their free hand.

For years, Cheetos has run campaigns highlighting Cheetles, the iconic orange dust that Cheetos fans wear as a badge of honor. Flavia Simoes, senior director of marketing for PepsiCo Foods North America, said this year the company continues to incorporate Cheetles into culture with new programs that recognize and celebrate existing behaviors that Cheetos fans embrace around the world. Told.

Any Cheetos fan knows the feeling when you don't want to give up eating Cheetos using your dominant hand and have to use your other hand to do everyday tasks. That's why this creative realm felt so easy for us, she continued. Our goal is to show the world that it's okay to accept the confusion that comes with using your other hand.

The campaign includes a series of digital spots, OOH advertising stunts and a partnership with Denver Nuggets point guard Jamal Murray. The spots feature a baker who makes a mistake with a birthday cake, a sketch artist who draws a distorted picture, and even a plastic surgeon who ruins a surgery because he was eating Cheetos, which he protects with his other hand. was. In a humorous scene, Murray misses a high five for the same reason.

Our new campaign features relatable examples of people doing the wrong thing with their other hand because they don't want to stop eating Cheetos, Simoes said. Jamal Murray was the perfect partner to launch and represent this campaign as he is a huge fan of Cheetos and has first-hand experience of the funny things that can happen when using Other Hand. This partnership will allow us to engage with fans in a different way and build on our existing campaigns for other sports.

The outdoor elements of the campaign depict a vicious parking garage job in New York City that mocks drivers' wrong hands, and a New York Times ad with grammatical errors. Fans are encouraged to participate in the campaign and use the #CheetosOtherHand hashtag on social.

Simoes added that the insight behind the Other Hand campaign is one that all Cheetos fans can relate to. Digital spots, billboard activations, and a partnership with Jamal Murray allowed us to meet consumers wherever they are.




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