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Google employee says company is “silencing our voices'' after dozens of layoffs

Google employee says company is “silencing our voices'' after dozens of layoffs


So on Tuesday, the group took another step forward.

They held sit-in protests at Google's offices in Silicon Valley, New York City, and Seattle, with more than 100 protesters showing up. The next day, Google fired Montes and 27 other employees who were members of the “Apartheid No Technology” group.

This is one of the largest mass layoffs in the tech industry and comes as many Silicon Valley companies are collaborating with Israel. Some employees say it makes them uncomfortable.

Workers at Meta, the parent company of Amazon and Facebook, have also spoken out against the war and clashed with their employers. Last month, Google fired another software engineer who protested at a technology event in Israel.

When asked about Tuesday's demonstrators, a Google spokesperson told NPR in an email: “We are clearly attempting to physically disrupt the work of other employees and prevent access to our facilities.” This is a violation of policy and completely unacceptable.” After refusing multiple requests to leave, law enforcement worked to remove them to secure the office. ”

Project Nimbus and cloud computing

Google partnered with Amazon and began contracting with the Israeli government for Project Nimbus in 2021. Time magazine obtained internal documents last week showing that the Israeli Ministry of Defense signed a contract with Google as recently as last month.

A Google spokesperson said the company's cloud services support several governments around the world, including Israel. A spokesperson said Project Nimbus is for government departments, and that “this work targets highly sensitive, classified, or military workloads related to weapons or intelligence.” “It's not a thing.”

The No Technology for Apartheid group says it is still unclear how the technology will be used in Israel, as the project has not been defined. They say they fear it could be used in the war in Gaza and used as a weapon against Palestinian civilians.

“Workers have the right to know how their labor is being used and to have a voice in ensuring that the technology they build is not used to cause harm,” the group said in a statement. “There is.”

Arrest and dismissal of workers

Around noon on the day of the sit-in, Montes said he and other protesters at Google's New York office unfurled a 15-foot-tall banner reading “Genocide Doesn't Need Technology” on an open staircase. (Israel says it was fighting in self-defense and rejects claims of genocide.)

They sat and played the card game Uno until Google security approached them. They were then told to leave or be arrested, Montes said, but police did not arrive until about eight hours later.

More than 100 protesters showed up. The next day, Google fired Montes and 27 other employees who were members of the “Apartheid No Technology” group.

This is one of the largest mass layoffs in the tech industry and comes as many Silicon Valley companies are collaborating with Israel. Some employees say it makes them uncomfortable.

Workers at Meta, the parent company of Amazon and Facebook, have also spoken out against the war and clashed with their employers. Last month, Google fired another software engineer who protested at a tech event in Israel.

“It was a very strange energy because I kept thinking, 'Are I going to call the police?'” Montes said, recalling that day.

By the time the police arrived, it was already night and most people had left the office. They handcuffed four protesters, including Montez, who refused to leave the building, walked them to a freight elevator and exited them into a garage where a police van was waiting. The group spent about three and a half hours in jail.




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