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Google Ones' latest downgrade makes me want to cancel my subscription

Google Ones' latest downgrade makes me want to cancel my subscription


Opinion: I have been a Google One subscriber for about 3 years and have been happy with the subscription service during that time. Not only do you have more storage for your photos, videos, and other files, but you also get a ton of other benefits that make your deal even sweeter.

problem? Google is rapidly reducing these features, and with it the general appeal of Google One. In fact, it's gotten to the point where I'm considering canceling my subscription entirely.

When I first subscribed, my Google One subscription consisted of a 200 GB core cloud storage upgrade (an additional upcharge in my case). These come in a variety of forms, from the not-so-useful (like sharing your precious storage with friends and family) to the pretty valuable perks like Google Store discounts, all for the relatively low price of $2.49 per month. Offered at suggested price.

Its list of additional features included Google VPN, which provides secure internet access without a dedicated VPN subscription.

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Google's VPN is pretty basic compared to the best VPNs like ExpressVPN and Nord VPN, doesn't have the ability to choose server locations, and can't be used on a variety of devices, instead offering it on iPhone, iPad, Windows, and Mac. Limited, but nevertheless great profit.

I'm not an avid user of VPNs, due to obvious laziness, but they've come in handy on the rare occasions I've connected to open public Wi-Fi.

Well, it doesn't seem like that option will be available anytime soon, as Google has confirmed it's shutting down its VPN service due to lack of interest from consumers, and there's no replacement service in place for Google One subscribers. There's no word yet on when it will be phased out, but it should happen within the next few months.

It was big enough to swallow a Google One pill, but Google didn't stop there. no. Early Monday morning, I received an email from Google about other changes to Google One that will take effect on May 15, 2024.

More than just losing VPN access

And luckily, these changes affect another important feature of Google One that I regularly use for editing in the Google Photos app.

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More specifically, this relates to Magic Eraser, Portrait Light, Color Focus, and Sky Editing features. These features were previously only available to Google Pixel users and Google One subscribers.

Even though Magic Eraser gave me the best results, it was still a useful feature that I used from time to time to remove annoying distractions from my snapshots. The Sky feature was similarly useful for giving photos a certain look or feel.

Don't get me wrong. While it's great that Google is opening up editing features that were previously exclusive to Pixel and Google One for free to all Google Photos users, that doesn't necessarily mean long-time Google One subscribers are getting the benefit. Not offering something else instead feels like a bit of a slap in the face.

So, by my count, last month Google removed two of the most compelling reasons to choose a Google One account over readily available and cheaper cloud storage services like Dropbox or OneDrive.

For now, the only thing that locks me into a Google One subscription is the expanded cloud storage for photos and videos in Google Photos.

I have over 10 years of photos and videos stored in Google's cloud storage, but even though I currently have free photo storage in Amazon Photos with my Prime subscription, I don't want to download and transfer them to another cloud service. is a bit troublesome. But with Google One offering less value than ever before, there has never been a greater temptation to migrate.




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