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Google I/O 2024: Android 15, Pixel 8a, and everything else you'd expect

Google I/O 2024: Android 15, Pixel 8a, and everything else you'd expect


Google I/O is the company's largest annual developer conference, similar to Apple's WWDC event and Microsoft Build. This is where Google talks about its work so far, and announcements typically feature both software and hardware.

This year is expected to be dominated by Android 15, Pixel 8a, and AI, but there's also likely to be an announcement or two sprinkled in about upcoming wearables, tablets, or VR/AR headsets.

Google's annual developer conference starts in just a few weeks, but if you're like us and can't wait until then to see what's announced, here's what we know so far about Google I/O 2024 Please read all.

Google I/O 2024: Latest news When is Google I/O 2024?

For the past few years, Google I/O has been held in May, and this year is no exception. Google I/O 2024 will be held on his May 14th and 15th, with the main keynote scheduled to start at 10am PT (1pm ET).

How to watch Google I/O 2024

Like last year, I/O 2024 keynotes and special sessions will be available to watch live on Google's YouTube channel or on the official Google I/O site. Alternatively, if you can't watch the live stream, the content will usually be available as a standalone video shortly after.

Google I/O 2024: Android 15

Based on Google's vague Android 15 (codenamed “Vanilla Ice Cream”) schedule, Android 15 likely won't be released until October 2024, along with the company's new Pixel smartphones at the Made by Google event. However, Android 15 is set to debut some exciting features at I/O 2024.

(Image source: Google)

Thanks to the Android 15 Developer Preview 2 Build and the Android 15 Public Beta, we now have a good idea of ​​what Google has in store for future updates to its mobile OS. Of course, features that appear in the Android 15 beta are no guarantee that they will make it into the final version. There are definitely some secret features that Google is keeping secret. But here's what we know for now:

The new Private Spaces feature lets you hide certain apps, files, or folders on your phone and hide notifications from those apps while your phone is locked. For apps you don't want to hide, you can take advantage of the App Pairs feature that lets you save groups of apps that you often use together in split screen.

(Image credit: Laptop Mag / Rael Hornby / Google)

There's a notification cooldown feature that lowers the volume of continuous notifications, reducing stress when you're bombarded with group chat messages. Sensitive Notifications then prevents you from seeing notifications that contain your private information.

It's also possible that lock screen widgets will make a comeback in Android 15, especially after seeing how successful Apple's new Standby mode was in iOS 17.

The first phones to run Android 15 will be Google's own Pixel phones, but the OS will likely arrive soon after on Samsung Galaxy S24 devices, as well as OnePlus, Nokia, Sony, Motorola, Asus, Fairphone, and Nothing. It will also be included in new devices. For more information, check out the complete list of phones scheduled to receive the Android 15 update.

Google I/O 2024: Pixel 8a

Historically, Google has liked to announce its affordable Pixel A series smartphones at I/O 2024. This year, that's the Pixel 8a.

According to leaks we've seen so far, Google's Pixel 8a, unlike the Pixel 9, won't stray too far from the classic Pixel design with its iconic camera bar. The camera bar will likely feature a 64MP main lens and a 13MP ultrawide sensor, similar to the Pixel 7a.

(Image credit: SmartPrix / OnLeaks)

According to the X leak, the Pixel 8a will be powered by a Tensor G3 chipset comparable to the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro. It is also expected to feature a 6.1-inch FHD+ OLED 120Hz display, 128GB and 256GB storage options, 8GB of RAM, and a 4,500mAh battery.

Based on several different rumors, the Pixel 8a is expected to start at $550. That's $51 more than the Pixel 7a. For more information on Google's upcoming budget smartphone, check out our roundup of the latest Pixel 8a rumors.

Google I/O 2024: Pixel Fold 2

The original Pixel Fold was announced at Google I/O 2023, so it's possible we could see a Pixel Fold 2 debut this year, but it's unlikely.

(Image credit: @OnLeaks and @Smartprix)

According to recent rumors, Google's next foldable device could have a new name: Pixel 9 Pro Fold. And considering how much this upcoming foldable device has in common with Pixel 9 devices, we're inclined to believe the rumored name change is true.

The Pixel Fold 2 (or Pixel 9 Pro Fold) will reportedly feature the next-generation Tensor G4 chipset found in other Pixel 9 series devices. It will also have upgraded RAM to 16GB, faster storage speeds, and additional AI features.

If Google's next foldable device is indeed part of the Pixel 9 series, it will likely be announced at the company's fall event rather than I/O 2024.

Get the latest information you need to know about Pixel Fold 2 here.

Google I/O 2024: New AI features

Over the past year, and especially in recent months, Google has released a flurry of new AI features. Even if you're a regular user of Google's products and services, all these new AI tools and features are being released so close together that it can be a little confusing.

Google I/O 2024 is a great place to highlight the most useful AI features currently on compatible devices and present new AI tools and a roadmap for how to access and use them. It will be a great time.

(Image source: Google)

Google recently announced a rebrand of its AI tool Bard to Gemini and a short guide to what Gemini can do for you, including planning events, writing thank you notes, and answering complex questions. Gemini is optional for now, but the plan is for Gemini to eventually replace Google Assistant.

Earlier this year, Google also announced a series of generative AI features planned for Chrome, including smart tab grouping, generative themes, and AI-assisted lighting. These features are available to Chrome users on any OS, but it's possible that Google is planning more advanced AI features for ChromeOS users who want on-device AI.

We don't know exactly what new AI capabilities Google will show off at I/O 2024, but given how much buzz the term “generative AI” is currently being talked about, it's likely that the company will show off what it's accomplished so far. We're pretty confident it'll show off. In the AI ​​space.

Google I/O 2024: The possibilities of VR and AR

While there aren't any rumors that directly suggest Google might debut the mixed reality headset it's developing with Qualcomm and Samsung, I/O 2024 could be the perfect time to announce it or even tease it a little. It will be the time and place.

Apple's Vision Pro headset was just released in February and has caused quite a stir in the VR/AR world. Given Google's questionable history with AR devices, I/O 2024 shows that the company is still not out of the VR/AR race (and this time it's teaming up with Samsung and Qualcomm to make it truly competitive with the Vision Pro). )

Google I/O 2024: Wearables and tablets

Google probably won't announce any new wearables at I/O 2024, but it might release teasers for the Pixel Watch 3, rumored to arrive in October 2024, or a new Fitbit device.

However, there may be more to the upcoming Pixel Tablet 2 than just a teaser. Rumors currently point to Google's next tablet being released in mid-2024, either in May or June. Given this schedule, I/O 2024 will be the perfect time to announce his Pixel Tablet 2 and show off its features in preparation for its June launch.


When it comes to hardware, the bright star of Google I/O 2024 will likely be the company's budget-friendly Pixel 8a smartphone. The Pixel 8a is expected to cost slightly more than the Pixel 7a, but for $51 more, you'll get some pretty decent specs.

On the software side, we expect Google to release a comprehensive overview of Android 15, outlining its best new features and possibly indicating a release date. We also hope to see Google introduce existing AI capabilities in an easy-to-understand way and talk about new AI capabilities coming to Android devices and other Google products and services.

If you can't or don't want to attend Google I/O 2024 on May 14th and 15th, check back for highlights.




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