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Google should push RCS texting further than just the iPhone

Google should push RCS texting further than just the iPhone


RCS texting is coming to iPhone. But Apple's phones aren't the only ones that still don't have access to more modern texting standards.

Google, which has invested heavily in building RCS, touted its promise of typing indicators and high-quality group chats, and spent years pushing Apple to adopt the messaging standard. Google Messages also includes features like support for message responses to make texting a little less annoying for iPhone users. Finally, by late 2023, Apple announced that RCS support will be coming to iOS in 2024, and improvements to texting between Android and iOS with typing indicators and high-quality media will become a reality. It gave me hope that it might.

But if RCS is truly meant to replace the outdated SMS and MMS texting that most phones have been using for decades, it needs to be implemented on all phones. It's not just Android smartphones, it's not just Apple's iPhone either.

This includes basic mobile phones such as flip phones and other minimalist feature phones that you may utilize for a “digital detox.” This means that apps and services that rely on SMS to send text messages to phone numbers (some of which were developed by Google himself) will also need to adopt his RCS.

There's also a world of alternative Android texting apps that don't yet allow access to RCS text messages.

This corresponds to many devices, services, and apps that still use SMS. But before we leave old standards like SMS and MMS behind forever, we need to make RCS available on all mobile phones and texting apps, not just the iPhone.

Nokia 2780 can use Google Maps. But for text messages, we rely on SMS and MMS.

James Martin/CNET Basic flip phones could still use better texting

Basic cell phones are now having their own era, resulting in retro flip phones and candy bar-style phones with more features than ever before. HMD in particular has continued its Nokia phone line in recent years by developing basic phones that run on KaiOS, while other brands such as the recently announced Heineken bowling phone and the upcoming Barbie foldable phone We have also developed mobile phones with companies. The company has had enough success with these devices that analytics firm International Data Corporation predicts that HMD will have the largest share of feature phone market share (30.7% by value and 30.7% by volume) in Q3 2023. 22.4%).

Some of these HMD-developed phones support a limited number of web apps and services, such as Google Maps and sometimes WhatsApp. For example, my colleague Jessica Fierro recently used a Nokia 2780 for his week. During that time, she could watch her YouTube, get directions on Google Maps, and use her web browser for most other services. However, when it came to texting, the Nokia 2780 was limited to her SMS and MMS only.

While typical cell phones rarely break the best-selling cell phone lists featuring smartphones from Apple and Samsung, these devices could potentially benefit from access to more modern text messaging standards. It is clear that there are users who have. The basic phone itself will likely be limited to T9 texting due to the number pad, but the improved group chat support and typing indicators that RCS brings will be great for those who just tap out short texts. can significantly improve efficiency.

Zoom can be used for calls, but if you use your phone number to send a text message, it will remain an SMS.

Angela Lang/CNETOnline service still down with SMS

Services that provide virtual phone numbers have been around for a long time and are a convenient way to use another phone number without having to purchase a new line from your carrier. It offers features such as forwarding calls to other phone numbers, enhanced voicemail support, and SMS texting. However, the latter point is currently part of the obstacle that prevents RCS from replacing his SMS and MMS.

I've personally been using Google Voice for many years. Because Google Voice gives you an unlimited voicemail box for calls and also gives you an alternate phone number that you can use for any reason. I also use Zoom Phone as my work phone number. This allows you to receive calls whether it's from your laptop or from any other phone you happen to be reviewing at the moment.

Both services suit my needs well, except for messaging. It's frustrating that these tools still rely on SMS and MMS. This is especially true for Google Voice, as Google has been leading the charge for his RCS with its Google Messages app. We hope that these and similar services will soon have access to RCS for a better texting experience that will be easier to use.

Beeper's relaunched Android app supports RCS, but through unofficial integration with Google Messages.

BeeperMost Android texting apps don't have RCS

So far, the primary phone operating system offering RCS texting is Android, but that doesn't necessarily extend to third-party texting apps. One of the advantages of Android is its high level of customization. You can swap out the launcher if you want better home screen control, and you can set up a third-party app store if you need access to services that the Google Play Store doesn't offer natively.

For example, before Google Messages added desktop support via a web browser, my Android texting app of choice was Pulse SMS. This gives you wide access to text messaging apps, whether on your phone or on a native Mac or Windows app, along with web browser support. However, Pulse SMS currently does not support RCS because Google has not yet provided a way for developers to integrate with RCS.

Given Android's open nature, it's strange that RCS integration isn't yet available to third-party developers. However, Google will cooperate with other mobile phone manufacturers in integrating with his RCS. For example, the Samsung Messages app, which is still included as a text messaging option on Galaxy phones, includes support for RCS.

Beeper will support RCS in third-party texting apps for the time being, but the app has been relaunched on Android after attempting to integrate with Apple's iMessage network. But to make that happen, Beeper had to reverse engineer and integrate with Google Messages. For now, Google doesn't appear to be pursuing Beeper over this matter, much as it did when Apple stopped integrating with iMessage.

It is clear that RCS still has a long way to go before it truly replaces SMS and MMS text messages. Apple's iPhones started supporting standards for sharing high-resolution photos and videos, as well as more reliable group messaging, read receipts, and location sharing, as the company announced last year. , we will see for the first time how interoperable RCS text messages really are. Other features, such as encryption, will depend on Apple's cooperation with the GSMA to improve its RCS standard itself. Apple said in his RCS announcement last year that the company doesn't use other companies' encryption protocols, so it's likely referring to what Google Messages uses.

Perhaps, as Apple is currently working on standards with other members of the GSMA, RCS will improve and provide additional phones and services. This could be similar to what we are currently seeing with the Qi2 wireless charging standard, including some of the improvements Apple has developed with its MagSafe charging. But until RCS is actually available across all devices and services, SMS and MMS will remain the dominant but outdated messaging standards.

A nostalgic look back at the hottest technology from the year the original iPhone was introduced See all photos




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