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At veteran Bollywood actor Manoj Kumar's family residence in Mumbai, solar plants are setting new records in power generation with BigSwitch India Renewables, powered by Solis inverters!

At veteran Bollywood actor Manoj Kumar's family residence in Mumbai, solar plants are setting new records in power generation with BigSwitch India Renewables, powered by Solis inverters!


10 kWp + 05 kWp OnGrid solar PV plants (co-located)
10 kWp + 05 kWp OnGrid solar PV plants (co-located)

Mumbai, the economic and entertainment capital of India, serves as the backdrop for revolutionary initiatives across various sectors. The famous family of veteran actor Shri. Manoj Kumar, recognized for his leadership both on and off screen, has placed renewable energies at the heart of his societal commitment. In 2022, they installed a 10 kWp solar PV plant, powered by a Solis 3P4G-10K inverter, which consistently exceeds performance expectations. While a typical 10 kWp solar PV plant produces around 45 units of electricity per day, this plant regularly produces more than 50 units and reached a remarkable 59.7 units in a single day in March 2023!


Encouraged by this success and the growing energy needs, the family expanded its installation with a new 05 kWp solar power plant commissioned on April 4, 2024, equipped with the latest 5th generation Solis S5-GR3P5K inverter. Two years later, the original 10 kWp plant continues to exceed expectations, generating 57.9 units on April 13, 2024. The new 05 kWp plant also contributed 33.0 units, giving a groundbreaking total of 90 .9 units in a single day, far exceeding the theoretical threshold of 75 units!

Combined generation data of 15 kWp (90.9 units)

Solis inverters play a vital role in improving the performance of solar power plants and maximizing power production, even in India's harsh environmental conditions, which has contributed to the success and longevity of solar power plants. renewable energy from the Kumar family. The recently launched Solis S6-GR1P(1-3)KM inverter is specially designed for residential PV installations. Featuring a maximum input current per string of 14A, it supports high-efficiency and bifacial modules. Its compact, lightweight, fanless design ensures easy installation and a quieter living environment, while the built-in AFCI function improves safety by reducing the risk of fire.


Speaking about their commitment to renewable energy, Shri. Kunal, the actor's son, highlighted the importance of individual contributions to environmental sustainability and the future well-being of our planet. Choosing BigSwitch India as their renewable energy partner was a strategic decision, reflecting their confidence in BigSwitch’s expertise in delivering complex projects across India over the past 12 years.

Mr. Prasad Kulkarni, Founder-Partner, BigSwitch India, highlighted the significance of this achievement and BigSwitch's dedication to delivering value and quality to customers and society. He commended Solis for providing robust and reliable inverters suited to India's challenging environment, and highlighted the importance of the customer's collaborative engagement in the design and deployment of the project.

This exemplary partnership between the Kumar family, BigSwitch India and Solis highlights India's potential to lead in renewable energy innovation. Such success stories inspire individuals and organizations to invest in sustainable energy solutions for a better future.




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