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Zeenat Aman asks Bollywood to avoid bringing wild animals on the sets. Dia Mirza and Shekhar Kapur join us

Zeenat Aman asks Bollywood to avoid bringing wild animals on the sets.  Dia Mirza and Shekhar Kapur join us


Zeenat Aman asks Bollywood to avoid bringing wild animals on the sets.  Dia Mirza and Shekhar Kapur join us

Zeenat Aman asks Bollywood to avoid bringing wild animals on the sets. Dia Mirza and Shekhar Kapur join us

Zeenat Amanwho is gearing up for his upcoming film “Bun Tikki”, on Friday spoke about wildlife safety while filming and urged his colleagues and compatriots in the film industry to avoid bringing wild animals on set.

Taking to Instagram, Zeenat shared her recent experience of joining the sets with her fans.

Sharing the photo of herself and a clip from 1974, Zeenat wrote a long note.

The note read: “I had tears in my eyes recently when I arrived on set and found an elderly domestic elephant on the scene. She was standing on the burning asphalt, bejeweled and adorned. .. and she stood there all day while the cameras rolled I was contractually obligated to do my job, but I am absolutely guilty that such a majestic animal suffered for my work and your entertainment.

She revealed how the plight of animals, both domestic and wild, has always distressed her.

“The plight of animals, domestic and wild, has always distressed me. I do not believe that a wild animal has any place in captivity, much less one as perceptive, intelligent and emotional as an elephant. According to “What little I have learned about this species, I know that they are very sensitive and social animals. Keeping them in captivity is like willingly supporting cruelty,” she added.

Zeenat asked her colleagues in the film industry to avoid bringing wild animals on the set.

“It is a sincere and urgent appeal to my colleagues and compatriots in the film industry to avoid bringing wild animals onto the sets at all costs. We are so lucky that India is home to the majority of the population Asian Elephant World Heritage Site and this species is our national heritage animal We are also fortunate to have many organizations in India working for the welfare and conservation of this incredible animal. of these organizations on my stories, I will be delighted if you go through them” she continued.

She concluded her note by saying: “My concern for wildlife is an old story – please swipe to see an excerpt from 1974 – but it is only now that I am able to make more concerted appeals on these issues . I can't bear to pose with the beautiful elephant that has been subjected to the chaos of our decor, here is a photo of me with 'my' elephants that I have collected over the years. In honor of that sentiment, today I would like to hear about it. your favorite wildlife encounters! Please leave a comment and remember the key word here is “wild.” No comments on wild animals in captivity, please! This includes bottle-feeding monkeys, talking parrots and everything in between. »

As soon as the post was shared, fans and industry members chimed in the comments section.

Dia Mirza wrote: “We now have the most beautiful, most realistic animatronic elephants. No reason for anyone to use real elephants for filming. Also thank you for using your voice for such an important message.”

One user wrote: “Thank you for using your voice to bring attention to this issue!!”

Zeenat Aman became a household name in the 70s and 80s after winning the Miss Asia Pacific International Pageant title in 1970. She is known for her bold personality and was one of the actresses who started the trend of fashion with its satirical choices.

Zeenat has given several hits like 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram', 'Don', 'Yaadon ki Baraat', 'Hare Rama Hare Krishna', 'Qurbani, Dostana', 'Dharam Veer' among others.

Meanwhile, Zeenat will be seen in 'Bun Tikki'.

The film is directed by Faraz Arif Ansari and also stars actor Jyoti Deshpande, Dinesh Malhotra and Marijke Desouza will produce the film under Manish Malhotra's Stage 5 Productions.

The film also stars Shabana Azmi and Abhay Deol.




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