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Google fixes critical type confusion flaw in Chrome browser

Google fixes critical type confusion flaw in Chrome browser


Google has issued Windows and Mac patches for critical bugs in Chrome, and plans to release a Linux patch in the coming days and weeks.

Google said in an April 24 blog post that flaw CVE-2024-4058 is a type confusion in ANGLE, Google Chrome's graphics layer engine. Although the leading technology vendor has not said whether this flaw has been exploited in the wild, past reporting by SC Media indicates that threat actors are exploiting the type of confusion in Google Chrome. I am.

Type confusion, also known as type manipulation, serves as a potential attack vector in interpreted languages ​​such as JavaScript and PHP that use dynamic typing. Dynamic typing identifies and updates the type of a variable at runtime, rather than at compile time in a statically typed programming language.

Given that Google has assigned this flaw a critical rating, an attacker could begin executing arbitrary code or escaping the sandbox in an automated manner with little or no user interaction. It's more likely that you can.

Google has acknowledged that two members, Qrious Secure Toan (suto) Pham and Bao (zx) Pham, reported a critical flaw on April 2nd and has awarded them a $16,000 bug bounty for their discovery. did.

Sarah Jones, Cyber ​​Threat Intelligence Research Analyst at Critical Start, said the “critical” rating indicates there could be serious consequences. Jones said attackers could potentially exploit this flaw remotely, meaning users wouldn't have to click on a suspicious link or download a file to gain access. Stated.

This is particularly concerning, Jones said. Although the technical details are being kept secret for now, such a critical vulnerability could allow an attacker to run malicious code on your computer or completely bypass security features. there is. This can put user data at risk of theft, open the door for malware installation, and potentially harm individual user systems.

John Bambenek, president of Bambenek Consulting, said that browser vulnerabilities that allow a victim to be exploited without interaction (aside from redirecting the victim to an exploit page) are the most serious type of browser problem. I added that there is.

Bambenech said there has been a lot of work done in recent years to make browsers more secure.

So while these issues are occurring less frequently, users should update their Chrome installations immediately, Bambenek said. It typically takes around 12-24 hours for an attacker to reverse engineer a patch and mount an attack, so if the exploit hasn't actually happened yet, it will probably happen tomorrow.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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