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Current builders test next-generation construction technology tools


Pompano Beach, Florida (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE), August 5, 2020 — Current Builders ( was one of the first construction companies to adopt BIM (Building Information Modeling). Of advanced technical tools in search of the best new solutions to improve productivity. The South Florida-based award-winning company recently opened a new office in Sarasota. This expansion increases the need for more sophisticated software, wearables, and robotics to effectively enhance integration and coordination.

Photo Caption: Trimble Robotic Station.

The current builder innovation team is assessing the latest technological advances and deciding which products need to be incorporated into the project, CEO Michael C. Taylor explained. Recently, we have invested in several new platforms to increase productivity and help the company grow.

Today’s builders incorporate several new programs, including Tekla Structures, MWF Pro for wood frameing, Open Space AI, Procore Coordination Issues, Panels Plus semi-automatic wall panel equipment, and Trimble Robotic Total Station.

Kar Ho, BIM / Virtual Design & Construction Manager, said he is most intrigued by a powerful and collaborative platform that solves industry problems in a dynamic and new way.

Tekla Structures appealed to Ho because the estimation process could be faster and more accurate for the company, while the program could be used by team members outside the BIM area.

The 3D structural program enables accurate modeling before the construction stage, he explained. And now, we can still react quickly to the changes we need during preconditioning, saving us time and money.

The current builders’ expansion to the west coast of Florida has dramatically increased the construction of crate. To better support this, they are using the new modeling software MWF PRO.

With this Revit add-on you will get a more detailed level. This is necessary because wood is much more sensitive than standard concrete foam. What we find particularly useful is the detection of interference between trades. Now our trading partners are familiar with timber components and can adjust the vertical penetration to avoid timber studs. You can also create accurate cut and count quotes to reduce timber costs and waste.

In addition, Current Builders has purchased semi-automatic wall panel equipment from industry leader Panels Plus. Produced in a controlled environment, prefabricated wall panels are an excellent alternative to traditional stick frames because they shorten production schedules, reduce material waste and reduce labor costs in the field.

Another technology addition inspired by the expansion of the West Coast is the use of Open Space AI. This 360-degree camera is mounted on the team member’s helmet, and as he walks around, the scene is fully captured and automatically mapped to the plan.

The technical tools will help manage communication from the field to the office more efficiently, Ho said. Now you can easily document your site frequently and see what was achieved each day. This gives senior managers faster access and enables faster decisions based on site conditions.

Another software advance that the team is adopting is Procore’s Coordination Issues tool, a popular piece of software used today by builders and across the industry. This new add-on organizes all documentation about a problem graphically at the click of a button.

Before you had to sort through a bunch of documents, all your issues were stored in one place, so you could see all of them and their resolution. So if you have a wall with an HVAC conflict, you can see everything about this issue at once, saving you a lot of time. The biggest time saver is being able to pin the plan. That way, the supervisor has a graphical view of where the problem lies and does not have to search through hundreds of documents.

Saving time is one of the main reasons for implementing new technologies, and for Ho the Trimble Robotic Station is a great tool, especially for large projects such as Uptown Boca development.

Once all the buildings have been uploaded to the model, the robot will find everything you are looking for. Modera Cornerstone uses precast panels in its garage. These panels slide in and hold in place with a large bolt embedding, but the bolts are mounted in the soil long before the panels arrive, so there are mounting tolerances, especially in inches, It can be difficult to install or install. But the total station can find them easily, saving you time. The project did not miss one embedding place that would normally line up on such structured courses.

For Ho, the rapid progress of new technologies has made the construction industry one of the hottest areas of the future. Ho said construction progress over the next decade will be truly historic. Despite many futuristic style advances, the growth of software platforms that support pre-building and site tuning is also groundbreaking. Being part of the process of evaluating the most profitable and cost-effective applications for our company is really exciting.

For more information, please visit

About current builders:

Current Buildersis, an award-winning general contractor, was founded in 1972 with an average annual revenue of more than $250 million. The company specializes in multi-family housing projects, healthcare facilities, office/warehouse buildings, commercial distribution facilities, parking lots, interior buildings, interior and exterior refurbishment, all in charge of building construction and related field work. Included as a turnkey project to include. ..

Media Contact: Kay [email protected]

News Source: Current Builder

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